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Adora ran through the courtyard of the castle, a small frog quickly jumped out of the way as she took the stairs two by two, she ran down the corridor until she spotted Kywa standing outside Catra's room, her arms folded resting against the wall. She immediately looked up at Adora.

"Whoa, you need to calm down",

"I tried to get here as quickly as I could", Adora said breathlessly, bending over holding her knees.

"Mother has been in there most of the day",

They both look at the door as they hear the handle turn. A female Magicat leaves the room,"Her Majesty said you can come in now".

Adora stood up straight, making sure she looked presentable, tightening her ponytail and flattening down her undercut.

"You coming in?", Adora asked Kywa.

Kywa smiled,"not yet I'm here for mother".

Adora takes a deep breath and enters the room, the afternoon sun shining softly through Catra's window. Catra was sound asleep and just as beautiful Adora thought, her longer hair laid perfectly around her shoulders while she slept.

Neara turned around to face Adora, in her arms was a small baby with blue eyes and tiny black ears that twitched with every suckle from its bottle. Neara walks over to Adora and gently hands over the baby.

"Here, hold your little one",

Adora sticks her tongue out a little as she concentrates on taking the baby, they fuss a little bit after being unsettled, but once Adora settles them down in the small of her arm and gives back their bottle they settle back down, with their ears twitching again.

"You're going now?"

Neara smiles,"Adora dear, I've already spent most of the day fussing over Catra, now it's your turn", She gives Adora a kiss on the cheek and the baby a kiss on the forehead and leaves.

Adora goes and sits down in the chair beside Catra's bed,"hey there little buddy", she whispers,

"Guess you made mama a little tired",

Catra's ears twitch and she sleepily opens her eyes, she looks over to where Adora was and smiled,"Hey Adora", she said playfully.

Adora gets up gently still holding the baby and sits on the bed,"hey yourself mama", As she leans over to kiss Catra, Catra puts an hand on her chest,"Careful"

"What is it?, Are you ok?",

"Geez, I'm fine, this is why I need you to be careful", Catra slowly pulled back the blanket and much to Adora delight, was a baby nestled against Catra's chest, their markings were slightly darker and their eyes were a golden yellow.

Adora is almost crying,"TWINS?!".

Catra laughs and gently caresses Adora's cheek,"Happy Birthday Adora". Adora smiles and carefully bends over and gives Catra a loving kiss,"Best present ever".

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