Chapter 13

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The doors to the inner chamber slowly open, everyone including Adora and Tao are waiting outside with bated breath for Catra and Kywa to appear, after several minutes there is still no sign of them. Percival decides to go in and look, Adora and Tao exchange worried glances, a short time later Percival returns and shakes his head,"They're gone".

"What do you mean they're gone?!", Tao says as he pushes past Percival and tries to enter the chamber but is stopped by a sudden barrier, he balls up his fist and tries punching through the barrier to no avail. Adora steps forward and tries to approach but the barrier shoots out golden lightning hitting the ground near her feet forcing her to stay back.

Adora stares at the barrier trying to figure out how to get in,"Could they have found another way out?"

"It is impossible for them to have left any other way except through these doors", Percival says as he calls over a handful of Magicats, they hold their hands out trying to remove the barrier.

* * *

Catra's and Kywa's ear prick up as they hear the cheering from outside. Both of them are still surrounded by dark amber light, Kywa stretches and sighs with relief. "I could definitely use a nap after we get out of here" .

Catra walks over to the central runestone, "yeah, this whole thing was intense", she notices the crack and touches it, gently running her fingers along the rough edges,"did we do this?".

Kywa stands beside her, bending in to take a closer look, "maybe this is what our father was talking about" Kywa runs her fingers along the crack as well. Just as she lifts her fingers off the runestone a soft bluish purple fog starts flowing out of the crack. Both girls move their hand away from the runestone and step back. The fog slowly spins around the central runestone and onto the floor, slowly flowing over towards the girls, they squint as an intense white light rises from the fog filling the entire room.

Catra and Kywa groan as they lie on an invisible floor, they both slowly sit up rubbing their eyes trying to get rid of the remnants of bright light dancing across their vision, looking around they see they are surrounded by stardust, the colourful gases shifting against the stars in the distance. Kywa gets annoyed rubbing her hands against her face, groaning,"why isn't this trial over! It's wearing on my patiences!". Catra has her back to Kywa and doesn't answer, she is mesmerised watching the stardust shift and change was soothing to her.

"Well Kywa, it is nice to hear you haven't lost your father's temper", came a stern female voice.

Kywa pulls on Catra's ear to get her attention. Who reacts by turning around and backhanding Kywa in the chest. She follows Kywa's gaze and looks up, the female in front of them is dressed in a long flowing white layered dress and a leather laced up bodice, her long brown hair falling perfectly against her back and her hands on her hips. Catra looked at her eyes and saw her own staring back at her except both of her eyes were golden yellow. Kywa stood up and excitedly ran over and hugged her mother, Neara laughed and hugged her back, "my goodness, I'm so happy you got home safely".

Kywa held onto Neara's shoulders and looked her up and down, as if she didn't believe she was actually standing there,"How are you real?, how are you here?, Father told us what happened so we thought you were dead".

Neara laughed,"I did walk into a broken portal in order to fix it, so it wasn't exactly the easiest or smartest thing to do, but so far it's worked out well".

Kywa looks around to Catra who is still sitting on the floor staring at Neara. Kywa takes Neara's hand and brings her over to Catra,"Mother, this is Catra". Neara smiles softly at Catra then kneels in front of her and carcases her cheek, "Catra, hmm, such a fitting name".

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