Chapter 6

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The castle foyer was quaint, there was a simple dark oak table in the center of the room with a small vase of white tulips on it. The uneven sandstone walls reached up into an apex where a candlestick chandelier hung down.

Kywa took off her jacket and laid it on the table and waved everyone through, "This way".

Catra looked around cautiously, the others seemed excited and enthralled by the castle especially Adora, on the other hand Catra began to feel overwhelmed, her feelings a mixture of being a stranger and a weird sense of Deja Vu.

Adora gave her a comforting smile which under any other circumstances would've calmed her nerves but right now her nerves were frayed and head was reeling from this place, part of her wanted to admit that Purrsia is beautiful but after getting weird glances back in the market and again since they got out of the truck she was going to explode if someone didn't tell her what was going on.

Worse of all they were doing the thing she hated the most, coddling her, after everything that has happened, everything that she has been through they still seem to think she needs protecting!, she was thankful that Melog wasn't with her right now because her temper was slowly starting to get the better of her.

They walked into a large dining area that has been set up for lunch. Catra didn't take much notice of the food, hunger wasn't in the forefront of her mind right now. It had the same uneven sandstone walls and ceiling except for a large patio window overlooking what Catra assumed to be some kind of training yard, there were already soldiers out there running drills. Kywa motioned to the dining table, which was dark oak with a deep red table runner with matching chairs.

"Please make yourselves at home", Kywa takes her seat opposite the others.

"So when were you going to tell us that you're a princess?", Glimmer asks excitedly.

Kywa laughs "well we didn't meet under the best circumstances it didn't seem like the right time to mention it".


A chorus of voices from the dining room entrance. Three children come thundering through the room running around the table to Kywa, Rogue coming close behind them still in her uniform.

The eldest child has the same markings and fur as Rogue, the others are a set of twins who look exactly like Catra did as a child.

The twins climb up on Kywa's lap, "ah my babies, I've missed you!". The twins giggle as Kywa litters their faces with kisses,

"We missed you more mummy", one of the twins said between giggles.

Rogue took a seat next to Kywa, "I should apologise for this morning, that wasn't a great first impression to make, I'm Rogue".

"Don't worry about it, it sounded like you have every reason to be angry", Adora said, reaching over to take a piece of fruit from the fruit bowl,

Catra rolled her eyes. Adora being her usual people pleaser self. Adora turned to offer Catra a piece of fruit, she waved her hand dismissively.

Kywa laughed, "Trust me, you don't want to ever make a habit of making your wife angry, it never ends well for anyone",

Rogue scoffs and folds her arms, "Well next time don't leave without telling me",

"Considering the ship is now in pieces, floating around in space I don't think i'll be going anywhere for a while", Kywa says as one of the twins climbs up onto her shoulders.

The eldest child seems to have taken an interest in Glimmer and walks around the table to stand next to her, "Hi, my names Elliott, you have pretty hair",

Glimmer laughs "thank you, Elliott, I'm Glimmer",

"Pretty hair and a pretty name", Elliott gives her a toothy grin, Glimmer blushes. Elliott then looks Bow up and down, "I think your shirt is too small".

"Get your own girlfriend", Bow pokes his tongue and covers his midriff, the others laugh except Catra.

He notices Catra and tilts his head to the side ,"Why do you look like granny Neara?", Catra freezes in place, a cold shiver running down her back at the mention of the name. All she could hear was Shadow Weaver's voice deep inside her mind.

You have no mother, no one would

Catra quickly closes her eyes trying to drown out the intrusive voice.

Kywa puts the twins down and stands up immediately going over to Elliott and directing him back toward Rogue, "oooook Elliott it's time to leave the guests alone".

Great more coddling.

Catra balled her hands into fists, she was quickly reaching her limit. Adora noticed and tried to put her hand on top of Catra's, she gave a little warning growl and pulled her hand away. Adora took the hint and put her hand back on her lap.

Kywa picks up the satchel from the floor and hands it to Elliott, "Besides Uncle Troy brought some rock cakes".

"YAY!", the kids scream in unison.

Kywa hands the satchel to Elliott, he takes it and starts to leave the dining room with the twins following behind, they walk off fighting over who is going to get the most rock cakes.

Catra's ear pricked up when she heard a familiar gravelly voice, "I hope you're going to share those evenly with your sisters, Elliott"

Elliott sighs , "Yes Poppy".

Catra looked over in the direction of the voice, with an unfamiliar feeling of longing in her chest. The man that walked in though was not the same man she recalled, had she recalled his face wrong somehow?, he had the same muscular build, but he looked tired and battle scarred with a black leather patch over one eye and his long white hair had been replaced with braids tied back into a ponytail.

He walked over to the head of the table and sat down taking off his leather cuffs, without saying a word he leans his elbows on the table and looks at Kywa, who looks down at the table immediately, he then looks at Catra his one blue eye concentrated on her face, Catra couldn't break his gaze, he leans back in his chair, takes a moment to process his thoughts and laughs, "I guess today is my lucky day, seems I got both my girls back in one piece".

The words hit Catra's ears as if she'd taken a blow to the stomach, she felt her lungs starting to constrict and she couldn't breathe, a lump was starting to form in her throat. Part of her didn't want to believe what she was hearing, another part wanted her to run back to the ship and take off back into space and pretend this never happened. She couldn't deny though that deep down a part of her was relieved as if puzzle pieces had rearranged themselves perfectly to fit together.

She couldn't hold it in anymore, she stood up from the table, "Excuse me", her voice cracking. She grabbed Adora's hand and pulled her away from the table as well. She needed air, walking back to the foyer she found a side door that went out onto a small terrace, once out there she collapsed to her knees and started crying. Adora knelt beside her and said nothing, she just held Catra as her emotions took over.

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