Chapter 7

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Everyone sat in silence as there was now a tensely awkward air around the dining room table, Kywa groaned and put her head in her hands.

Bow and Glimmer looked at each other gingerly deciding on whether they should stay or not. Rogue was the first to break the silence, "Tao, do you really think announcing it like that was the best thing to do?".

Kywa sighs and sits back in her chair and rubs her forehead, "Subtle, Father, real subtle".

Tao grunted, " Well it had to be said sooner or later!". He sits back in his chair, folding his arms and pointing a claw at Kywa,"You want to sit there and tell me that your sister didn't look at your face and didn't already know?".

Kywa pushed her chair back and stood up frustrated, slamming her hands on the table,"No Father she didn't remember my face! She didn't even know anything about Purrsia!".

Tao frowned, not breaking his gaze with Kywa, "Rogue my dear, would you be so kind as to show our guests to their rooms".

Rogue gets up from the table and motions for Glimmer and Bow to follow her, "Let's go get you guys settled in, shall we".

Kywa and Tao have a stare-down until Rogue and the others are out of sight. Tao stands up from the table, "We both know the real reason why you were even out at Prison Moon, your power is getting weaker!"

Kywa growled in defeat and sat on the edge of the table, "That shouldn't be a problem anymore because Etheria is back from Despondos"

Tao raises an eyebrow, "What?!, How did that happen?"

Kywa stands up and begins pacing, "She-Ra made a return to Etheria and brought them back here. At least now getting to Half-Moon shouldn't be an issue anymore, it'll be easier for me to-"

Tao walks over to Kywa and grabs her by the shoulders, "You have to take Elizabeth there immediately, she has to connect with the runestone!"

Kywa swats Tao's hands away, " Don't you think I understand the importance of restoring the runestone Father?!, the problem is that Elizabeth just got here and I haven't even had a chance to tell her about the runestone! Let alone take her on a trip to Half-Moon!"

Tao takes a step back and rubs his chin, "Then you need to do it, preferably sooner rather than later because the problem is the longer we wait, the worse things will get"

Kywa throws her hands up in the air, "You just, in no uncertain terms, told Elizabeth we're her family, who she doesn't even remember! AND now you want to add to that upheaval by revealing to her that she needs to reconnect to our runestone because we are the descendants of magical mumbo jumbo cats!"

Kywa points to Tao," You have LOST your mind!"

Tao matches her anger, "LOST MY MIND! I may be a simple military brat, so I don't always understand a lot of what your mother can do, but one thing we always agreed on is protecting our people comes first!",

Kywa turns to her father, "then you also know what she would say, if you push too much too fast we're at risk of losing her all over again!"

Tao growls and slams his fist on the table, he pauses a moment then pinches the bridge of his nose, "You're right, you're right"

Kywa softens her tone, "Please just give me time to help her adjust"

Tao walks over and kisses Kywa on the forehead, "Ok, I will try my best not to push anymore, but please-",

Kywa rolls her eyes, "Please consider what I've said, I know"

Tao laughs softly, "You should go and find her and her friend" Tao starts to walk away, then stops, "If she's up to it I would love to introduce myself again, properly this time"

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