Chapter 9

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"No! No! No!, Abso-lutely NOT!, I am not getting on that thing!", Catra protested as she stood in front of a black mare outside the gates of Brightmoon,

Kywa poked her head around from the other side as she attached the reins, "Catra, it's just a horse",

"What am I supposed to do when it grows wings and takes off!",

"Grows wings and takes off?..... Catra, what are you talking about?, It's. Just. A. Horse!", Kywa takes Catra's wrist and pulls her closer, "Look at this face, how could you be scared of a face like that?"

Kywa had pulled her uncomfortably close to the horse's nostrils, the horse suddenly neighed into Catra's face, she hissed and fell backwards, " Nooooope!", Catra exclaimed as she got up, "I'd rather walk, thank you!",

As she starts to storm off, Adora quickly grabs her around the waist, ignoring Catra's squealing protests and picks her up and hoists her onto her grey horse,"You know I am very familiar with the flying type of horses m'lady, travel with me and I shall protect you from the dangerous of this perilous forest", she said trying to give her best impression of a royal accent.

Catra folds her arms blushing, "yeah but your flying demon horse isn't here",

Adora climbs on behind Catra, "One. It is not a demon horse. Two. We're trying to keep, you know, the secret location, secret. Can't do that with a talking horse".

"Aww how sweet, little moggie needs her girlfriend to protect her from the big scary horses", Kywa purses her lips mockingly.

"Shut your face!". Catra yells at her.

"Stop it you two", Tao says as he rides past, trying his best not to laugh.

"You all need to pay attention and follow me closely, this side of the woods can be a little disorientating and I don't want anyone to get lost".

They rode silently through the Whispering Woods, Adora understood what Tao meant, most of the trees on this side of Brightmoon looked exactly alike, the ride was nice though and Catra had finally stopped pouting and her soft purring made Adora think she might have actually been enjoying the ride. Kywa who had been riding behind them for a while finally caught up and rode beside Adora for a while,

"What's she like, our mother?", Catra asked with hesitation in her voice.

Kywa looks over to Catra, "You don't remember?",

Catra shakes her head, "not really I only get tiny bits and pieces now and then, in most of them though she was using magic",

Kywa smiles, "magic is one word for it",

"Why do you say it like that? Doesn't she have the same magic as us?",

Kywa gives a surprised whistle, "Our magic pales in comparison to hers",

"I thought illusionist magic was pretty strong?",

"It can be, the difference is our mother is an only child which means she bore the responsibility of both crystals when she was born, which made her pretty powerful growing up, rumour has it she even got into a massive fight with one of her teachers at Mystacor",

"Who was her teacher?", Adora asks as she moves a branch out of the way.

Kywa thinks for a moment, " Light...something",

Adora frowns, "Light Spinner?", She and Catra exchange a silent glance. Adora felt Catra tense up, Adora moved closer and put one arm around her waist reassuringly.

"That's it! how'd you know?",

"Oh...we've been to Mystacor, We had heard stories about Light Spinner, she used to teach Glimmer's dad too", Adora answered quickly.

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