Chapter 16

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"Faaaascinating", Entrapta walked on her hair over to the portal that Catra and Kywa opened, she puts down her facemask, and frantically types on her touchpad, "The stability is perfect! Can I touch it?", she tries to touch the portal with her hand, Glimmer slaps it away

"Are you sure you don't need us to go with you?"

"Not yet, I'm not even sure what we're going to walk into", Kywa said.

"Besides if we need you, you can just sprinkle your glitter dust", Catra quipped.

"You're absolutely right, your Majesty", Glimmer smirked.

Catra's eyebrow twitched as she glared at Adora, "You actually told her?"

Adora smiles, "I absolutely did". Catra closes her eyes and gives Adora a playful shove into the portal. Adora falls out of the other side into the marketplace of Purrsia. Catra and Kywa come through with Tao behind them, they slowly walk through the marketplace which was empty, apart from a few hot food bowls that sat on a counter half empty but still steaming. They come to the end of the marketplace and they see several red flags with a black outline of a snarling lion face on it. Tao narrows his eyes and growls, "Clawdius is here too!....".

Catra looks at Kywa who shrugs her shoulders, Tao rips down one of the flags and tears it to shreds and notices his girls staring strangely at him, "Clawdius was one of a small band of Magicats that defected, they weren't happy with your mother's leadership and how she wanted to protect them from the horde as opposed to joining them".

The conversation is disrupted by the sound of footsteps from approaching soldiers, they quickly hide behind a nearby stall and wait, the black jaguar soldiers come through dressed in simple brown leather armour, one of them stops at the ripped up flag and bends down to inspect it, Tao sneaks out disarming him and knocking him out, the girls make light work of the other soldiers, they follow Tao in the direction the soldiers came, making sure to keep out of sight.

As they make their way towards the castle, Catra notices movement from a nearby bush; she taps Adora on the shoulder and points, Adora nods and they make their way over and push their way through the bushes trying to catch whoever it was off guard, forcing one of the castle soldiers to fall backwards, they finally see there is a handful of injured soldiers that have found refuge in the small cramped area

"What happened?", Catra asked the soldier.

"Gabriel had armed soldiers storm the castle, they've got Rogue and Elliott, we tried to get back in but were forced out, so we came here to regroup"

"What?!, Where are Elira and Bethiah?!",

The soldier took a deep breath and shook their head, "We don't know"

Kywa begins to breathe angrily and turns around to leave.

"Kywa wait!", Catra says, she turns to Adora, "can you stay here and help them?"

Adora nods, "of course, you go", Catra smiles and tenderly kisses Adora on the forehead. Then leaves with Kywa and they make their way to the castle.

As they enter the courtyard it is eerily quiet, they notice there are two soldiers guarding the main entrance so they sneak around the side to avoid them and cautiously made their way into the castle and towards the dining room, they come face to face with Gabriel and his entourage of armoured Magicats, Gabriel's green eyes meet Kywa's and he smiles, Rogue is sitting quietly with Elliott huddled against her, the Magicats behind him are ready to fight until Gabriel puts up his hand.

"Not in front of my grandchild", he directs his attention to Kywa "ah my dearest daughter-in-law, come and join us". He motions for them to sit down. Kywa exchanges a glance with Rogue who cunningly made the sign for "cliff". Kywa nodded and smiled sarcastically at Gabriel

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