Chapter 2

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Catra finishes putting on her gear, making sure the seal around her helmet is air tight. She hears a quiet growl behind her. She turns her head to see Melog sitting there waiting patiently, "You're ready too huh?".

Melog gives a soft growl in agreement, they both go and stand next to She-Ra. She presses the intercom, "Ready Bow",

"Ok opening the doors now....good luck",

The doors make a hiss as they open slowly, with Melog's help Bow has gotten them as close to the ship as possible without being spotted.

Catra sits on the Melog's back and they jump and land inside the broken hull of the other ship, there are already some Horde Prime robots that have noticed the new arrivals and immediately turn to attack them, She-Ra makes light work of some of them leaving a pile of broken parts sizzling and splitting green sparks on the floor.

Cautiously making their way through the ship they come to a junction and begin to hear conflicting sounds, from one corridor they hear cries for help and from another they hear more fighting, She-Ra and Catra look at one another and nod in silent agreement. She-Ra runs towards the fighting, Catra and Melog take off towards the cries for help.

As they begin to run down the corridor the cries don't seem to be getting any closer and Melog senses something isn't right and stops running, they turn back around and notice that the corridor is longer than when they started. Catra's ears flatten out and her eyes narrow as she starts to feel uneasy, Melog's man shifts to a orange colour in response, they slowly keep walking in the same direction,

"This feels eerily familiar doesn't it",Catra says while gently patting Melog who gives a long soft growl in agreement.

Catra's ears twitch as she sense something coming towards her, but she isn't quick enough to react as someone materialises in front of her and kicks her in the chest, she goes flying off of Melog and lands hard on her back, she quickly looked around but there was no one there, the attacker quickly materialised again, Catra thinking quickly this time flipped over and perched on the balls of her feet, the attackers foot hit the ground with a hard thud, she tried to look at the attackers face, but they wore a hood and a military uniform she didn't recognise, she looked down at their feet.

Claws?! This is getting weirder by the second.

The attacker launched themselves forward again which Catra easily sidestepped and landed a blow into the attackers stomach along with the audible sound of having the wind knocked out of them, they stumbled back before regaining their footing.

Catra and the attacker stood across from each other for what seemed like an eternity, Catra got sick of waiting and grunted as she sprung forward the attacker easily dodged and nimbly jumped on Catra's back and pushed her into the floor before landing back on their feet.

Catra hit the floor hard it took her a moment to get back to her feet, She closed her eyes to regain her equilibrium when she opened them she looked in the attacker's direction as they started running away they whistled and Catra's eyes widened as the magic dissipated and a creature exactly like Melog appeared running at the same pace as the attacker.

"Adora...", Catra said as she struggled to get up, Melog used their nose to help Catra onto their back, "...We have to get back to Adora", she held on as Melog took off after the attacker.

She-Ra concentrated as she waited for the Horde prime robots to gather around, waiting for the perfect opportunity, she raised her sword and made a diagonal slash a bright rainbow light emanated from the slash and passed through the remaining robots. They buzzed and shook with green sparks coming for the cuts and then collapsed into a heap on the floor, she smiled.

"ADORA! WATCH OUT!", she spun around at the sound of Catra's voice, she saw Catra coming towards her on the back of Melog, but then something materialised in front of her and before she could react two feet made direct contact with her chest and she went flying backwards digging the sword into the floor to slow her down.

The attackers landed safely on their feet,"Tamerian!", they called out. The Melog lookalike Tamerian materialised next to them, their skin was a deep purple and their mane a vibrant pink.

Catra snarled and shouted,"Oh no you don't!. Melog!". She jumped off Melog and it launched directly at Tamerian and tackled it to the ground, the attacker turned their head towards Catra, She-Ra got to her feet on the other side, now the attacker was trapped in the middle of the both of them, She-Ra was the first to make a move swinging her sword almost connecting the attacker stumbles back directly into a kick from Catra and falls landing hard on their back.

She-Ra and Catra close in on the attacker, as they get closer the attacker puts up both its hands and a small bead of light radiates from them as the light grows exponentially it washes over the face of the attacker who is wearing a breathing mask, Catra is the first to notice that the eyes staring back at her are the same as hers.

Before she can say anything the energy balls fly from the attacker's hands one hits Catra and she goes flying back against the wall, she tries to move then looks up and realises her hands are frozen solid against the metal. She growls and struggles to get free.

The other energy ball heads straight towards She-Ra, who easily dodges it by hitting it with her sword and a solid ball of ice hits the wall directly next to Catra "Hey! That almost hit me!".

"Tell me off about it later" She-Ra says without looking as she walks directly towards the attacker who seems to be panicking and crawling backwards trying to escape, "Nice try" She-Ra closes the gap and picks the attacker up by the collar of their hood with one hand, and throws them across the room.

The attacker's back hits a column and they are knocked out cold and their body slumps to the floor. She-Ra goes over and cuts Catra down, she rubs her wrists to get warmth back in them "So about that ball of ice" her voice trailed off.

She looks over to where the attacker is and notices Tamerian trying to nudge them awake, it doesn't work they give a little defeated growl and lie down next to them.

Melog trots over to Catra and quietly growls something, She-Ra looks at her "What did Melog say?".

Catra ignores her and walks straight over to the attacker with urgency, Tamerian's mane stands up on edge, Melog intervenes and touches their forehead against Tamerian's.

Catra smiles softly,"it's ok I just want to help", they calm down and step back allowing Catra to get closer, she kneels and rolls the attacker over on their back.

She-Ra is now behind her as Catra tentatively pulls off the hood of the attacker, "Catra, what is going- ooooooooh". She-Ra and Catra stare in stunned silence as the attacker looks just like an older version of Catra, the silence doesn't last long as Catra starts having an existential crisis. " "I don't understand, is this possible, I thought...I thought...".

She-Ra kneels beside her, placing a hand on her shoulder, "Hey, hey it's ok we'll figure this out. Let's bring her back to the ship till she wakes up".Tamerian sniffs the air around She-Ra before moving aside and letting her pick up the attacker, they walk back to the ship in silence where Bow has lowered a platform down for them. They get on the platform and it slowly raises.

Glimmer and Bow are waiting for them when they arrive. Glimmer is the first to speak, "you guys ok we heard people crying out for help and...", Glimmer stops as notices She-Ra carrying the Catra lookalike "Whoa, What is going on?".

She-Ra head motions towards Catra, who still looks bewildered and confused, both Melog and Tamerian are by her side. She-Ra starts moving towards corridor Bow gasps "is she real?!" She-Ra grunts as she carries through the door of a spare room "uh well she feels real..."

She-Ra lays her down and changes back into Adora, "If nothing else she can tell us what happened here". Her face becomes worried. "I have to go check on Catra", she leaves the room quickly leaving Glimmer and Bow staring at a familiar face.

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