Chapter 12

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Kywa sees teenage Catra and Adora sparring in a training area, Catra runs at Adora bo staff in hand and swings, Adora easily counters, they swing and block for several rounds before Adora ducks under one of Catra's attacks. When she stands back up Catra touches her index claw against Adora's forehead and laughs.

Adora takes advantage of Catra's lapse in concentration and swings her staff, Catra dodges and they start sparring again until Adora grabs Catra's staff and throws her to the ground.

Now I've got her

"Owwwwww", Catra cries. Adora rushes over "are you OK?"

Poor predictably sweet Adora.

Catra smiles and swings her staff sweeping Adora off her feet. Catra quickly gets to her feet and attacks without giving Adora a chance to recover, she blocks Catra's attack

There's no way you can win now

Catra smirks thinking she has gotten the upper hand, Adora looks over Catra's shoulder and smirks back. Catra senses somebody behind her, she quickly turns to block an attack from Lonnie, she caught Catra off guard and almost disarmed her

No no no! This wasn't supposed to happen!

Catra regains her composure and waits for an opening, which arrives when Lonnie flips over Catra's head.

Wait for it.....Now!

She aims for Lonnie's chest plate and hits it with her staff eliminating her from the sparring session. Catra breathes heavily, she was barely recovered when Adora comes in swinging her staff, Catra has nothing left after her fight with Lonnie and can't block her attacks, eventually Adora strikes her chest plate and eliminates her.


"And there's our winner", Cobalt says as he approaches Adora, she puts out her hand to Catra, who begrudgingly takes it and gets to her feet. Catra marches straight over to Lonnie

"What was that?! Way to gang up on me!",

"You were fighting dirty, I was just levelling the field", Lonnie said, folding her arms.

Adora comes over and puts her hand on Catra's shoulder ,"hey you were awesome!, did I hurt you?"

Catra gives a false smile as she brushes away Adora's hand, "no, I'm fine, you're just lucky I let you win",

Adora says with an eyebrow raises, "Riiiight"

"I'm serious, if I came in first people might expect me to actually start doing stuff around here, trust me second place suits me just fine"

"yeah, ok, come on let's go cool down"

"in a minute, I'll meet you there",

Adora runs over to the others," hey guys wait up"

Second place is not fine.

Catra turns away rubbing her shoulder. She walks into the locker room and clenches her fists before taking off her chest plate and throwing it to the ground.

Why can't I ever beat her?

Why does she have to be the best at everything?

Why can't I be special for once?

She walked over to the sink holding onto it tightly until her fingers hurt, trying desperately to hold back her angry tears.

"Catra, Catra, Catra, I honestly don't know why you bother", came Shadow Weaver's voice from the other side of the locker room. Catra turned around, the tears were starting to pool along her bottom lid now, making it hard to see.

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