Chapter 3

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Adora rolls out of bed and stretches, she looks behind her and notices the other side hasn't been slept in again, it's been like this for several days Catra promises her she'll come to bed to rest but she hasn't, but Adora knows exactly where she's hiding.

She sighs and begins tidying up her hair, she straightens her shirt and belt as she leaves the room and greets Bow who is once again sitting in the pilot seat. She makes her way to the other room, both Tamerian and Melog are curled up together just outside the door, Melog pops their head up when they hear Adora, she smiles and bends down giving them a scratch under the chin,

"She in there again?",

Melog gives an affirmative growl. Adora opens the door and finds Catra sitting on the bed completely lost in thought, she crawls onto the bed behind her and hugs her,

"I know that look", she whispers tenderly. Catra has her hands on her knees and as soon as Adora speaks she tenses up. Adora puts her hands on top of Catra's hoping to calm her down, she sighs and rests against Adora chest,

"Well get some answers once she wakes up", Adora continues, she thinks Catra liked that answer because she starts to purr softly.

"I hope so", Catra says sleepily,"I just always thought I was alone in the world",

Adora replies sarcastically "not while I'm around" and kisses the back of her neck,

Catra giggles "you know what I mean... Back in the fright zone we were...".

Adora cuts her off "orphans, I know, but you and I both know that the horde lied about a lot of things so It's not surprising that they would lie about us having fami......"

Catra growls and springs around and covers Adora's mouth. "no don't say it!",

she sighs and rests her forehead in Adora's chest "things have finally been normal, this is just going to make things....complicated and not normal",

Adora holds Catra close, she responds by curling up against Adora and quietly starts to purr again, "the difference is I'm here with you so we can go through the complicated and not normal stuff together".

Catra giggles "you're so lame".

Their quiet moment is interrupted by Melog, they come into the room and start softly growling at Catra, she looks at Tamerian who is now alert, their mane a deep amber colour. Catra gets off the bed and walks over to Tamerian, scratching them behind the ear,"She must be awake",

Adora gets off the bed ready to go with her, Catra puts up her hand,"No",

She pauses for a moment and takes a deep breath, "I need to do this alone, ok",

Adora walks over and takes Catra's hand "Are you sure?",

Catra closes her eyes and nods "I'm going to have to face them sooner or later right", she aggressively hits the button to open an adjacent door, Tamerian takes the lead and Catra walks though after them,"Come on Melog",

Melog slowly runs over and as he passes Adora she notices that their mane has turned the same deep amber colour.

Catra felt her thoughts weighing her down as she walked down the corridor, made it seem longer than it actually was, Tamerian was walking ahead as Melog kept pace with Catra, Melog gently nudges Catra's hand, she gives an uneasy smile "I'm ok....I think".

Catra stopped as her ears twitched at the sound of a husky voice "Ah Tamerian I was wondering where you got to", as Catra approached Tamerian had its paw up on the aura barrier that Glimmer had placed on the entrance of the room, Catra stood just off to the side of Tamerian while they gave soft and excited growls to the rooms inhabitant who was kneeling down with their hand up meeting Tamerian's paw.

Catra finally had a moment to observe the woman meticulously. She noticed that without the hood disguising her face and body she was quite brawny, Catra made a note that her hair was similar to her own hair when she was back in the fright zone, except this woman had hers tied up in a ponytail, the most astounding part was the fur markings the stripes on her arms where in almost the exact same place. The woman seemed to sense someone was watching her and looked up directly at Catra.

"Not who I was expecting to greet me", she laughs to herself.

Catra's eyes narrow, "who were you expecting?",

The woman stood up and leaned against the barrier, a small aura outlining where her arm touched. "The tall one, I wanted to thank her for knocking me out like that, I haven't slept like that in months", she gives her a crooked smile.

Catra didn't respond. The woman shook her head, "I'm guessing you're not in a joking mood".

Catra snarls,"You're a prisoner right now and you think making jokes is going to help?!".

The woman shrugs her shoulders,"I mean Tamerian is out there instead of in here, so am I really being held as a prisoner?",

Catra went to reply but then didn't say anything.

The woman stopped leaning and stood up facing Catra, "Let's try this again, I'm Kywa and you are?".

"Catra'', Melog pokes its head out from around Catra's legs.

Kywa smiles "I see you've been to Krytis",

"How do you know about Krytis?",

Kywa folds her arms and looks at her questioningly, "I would think the same way you knew about Krytis".

Catra looks down at Melog whose mane has returned to its normal colour."Well Melog was supposed to be the last of their kind...".

Kywa sighed heavily, "possibly once horde prime started attacking my kin-...home couldn't protect Krytis".

Catra stepped closer "where exactly is YOUR home?",

Kywa stayed silent for a moment. "Purrsia, have you never heard of it?",

Catra rolls her eyes, "You're making that up",

Kywa laughed,"I am not, trust me the irony isn't lost on me",

Catra rests her back on the wall beside the barrier, "Does everyone there look like us?",

Kywa frowns "Not everyone".

"Catra?", Adora says softly as she approaches.

"You were taking a while, so I thought I better check on you....Oh hi", Adora notices Kywa and blushes. Kywa smiles and waves.

Catra frowns and shoves her back, "I'm fine, you need to go and get sparkles to come unlock this room".

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