Chapter 19

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Catra clung to the wall, hiding in the shadows as she slinked down the stairs, her ears pricked up as she heard the voice of the other magicat cursing under their breath.

"Found anything yet?", the Magicat shouts out into the darkness, for a few moments there was silence. The Magicat sighs and walks over to the balcony and leans over,"Hey! Did you find anything!?", they shouted a little louder.

Catra swiftly approaches from her hiding spot and snatches the Magicat by their hood, throwing them up against the wall and the slump to the floor,

"So you're the one that has made Clawdius lose his mind", they say with winded breath, trying to get to their feet.

Catra smiles,"funny, you say that like it's a bad thing" She lunges at the Magicat, who quickly rolls out of the way and creates a rune that send out a chain towards Catra, she dodges sidesteps it and grabs the chain yanking on it, The magicat slides across the ground towards her,

"Well that was easy, seems you need to learn how to fight better", Catra says as she stands over the Magicat.

The Magicat brings over their other hand and sends a lightning bolt up the chain, sending a shock through Catra, she screams stunned and frozen in place. The Magicat gets behind her, putting her in a choke hold, she tries to get free but the electricity is stopping her muscles from working properly, her eyes slowly start to close.

"Stay away from aunty Catra!"

Comes a tiny voice, the grip around Catra's neck loosens and she falls forward breathing heavily. She turns around to see one of the twins clawing at the Magicats face while the other is biting the Magicat's thigh. Elliott kicks him in the back of the knees he falls down.

The Magicat goes to strike one of the children. Catra growls and sends out two balls of ice binding the Magicats hands to the ground, Elira continues to claw at the Magicats face.

Catra runs over and picks her up,"ok bean sprout I think that's enough"

Elira yells ,"let me go! I'm gonna tear their face off!"

Catra stares at her in shock,"whoa, whoa, whoa, who said you could do that!?"

"Elliott said we could!", said Bethiah while spitting out bits of fur.

Catra sighs and gently picks both of them up by the back of their collars and puts them down next to Elliott,

"I told you to be brave for them, not to turn them into tiny war criminals!", Catra said in a stern voice.

Elliott hangs his head,"sorry aunt Catra"

Catra kneels down and smiles softly,"Hey, It's ok, just next time try not to be so feral". She looks over to the twins,

"Now all of you need to stay right here while I talk to our new friend ok", they all nod.

Catra walks over to the Magicat and smacks them upside the head, they glare at Catra trying to get out of their restraints, she kneels down in front of them and smiles,

"Now you're going to tell me why Clawdius is here and what he wants",

The Magicat scoffs,"Why should I tell you that?".

Catra brings her face closer to the Magicats ear and whispers, "Because I can actually send you to an empty dimension, wouldn't that be fun?",

The Magicat looks at Catra, a concerned look on their face,"Impossible. You don't have that kind of power",

Catra stands up and takes her pocket watch out letting it float above her palm, the Magicat watches as the pocket watch turns into a staff, Catra wraps her hand around the hilt and envelopes her in a cloud of crimson and black smoke. As the smoke clears revealing Catra's transformation the Magicat stares in awe,

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