Chapter 5

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Catra stared out the window as the truck drove through the cobblestone streets, the more people and buildings they passed the more Catra began to realise this place was seriously militarised even more so then the horde were and far more organised, the brakes screeched in protest as the truck came to a stop.

Catra tuned in while Troy greeted someone and they started talking about supplies so she zoned out again and focused on a small group of children with calico fur playing in a park. They were happily laughing and running after a ball being kicked around one of the children running fell over, they cried out and sat up holding their injured knee and started crying, the child's mother went over to them and knelt beside them. Catra's ears twitched as her mind started playing out a memory she had long forgotten.

She was sitting in a grassy area holding her knee and crying, she heard footsteps coming towards her and she looked up as arms similar to her own reached out and picked her up cradling her on their lap, "Elizabeth, my poor darling what have you done to yourself?".

Catra looked up but the memory didn't reveal the figure's face. The figure gently wiped Catra's knee clean and placed a small dressing over it, "There. All better".

Catra giggled and jumped off the figure's lap. "Thank you mummy" and ran off.

Catra comes back to reality, feeling eyes on her she looks at Adora who is staring back at her with an eyebrows raised,

"What?", she sighs,

"You said 'thank you mummy' ", Adora whispers,

"No I didn't", Catra replied, hissing through her teeth.

"Ah yes, you did, you can't miss Shadow Weaver that much",

"It wasn't about Shadow Weaver", Catra whispers loudly, "it was.... It was nothing", she felt a strange yearning for the warmth she felt from the person in her memory, her ears drooped and she stared out the window again.

Adora slides over closer and puts an arm around her shoulder,

"We can still talk about nothing lately?", Adora asks tentatively.

Catra snuggles into Adora's side and purrs softly ,"we can", she closes her eyes replaying the memory again in her mind and drifts off to sleep.

Adora looked down at Catra as she rested and wondered what she was thinking about it. She hadn't seen her this peaceful since they picked up Kywa. Even though Catra wasn't open to the idea right now Adora knew in her heart this was Catra's home, she just wished there was a way she could make the transition easier, but forcing the issue wasn't going to help. Adora tenderly brushed stray hair from her forehead and then rested her head on Catra's and drifted off, falling into a familiar dream.

"Adora!", Shadow Weaver calls out, annoyance in her voice, "this isn't funny, your training is starting soon and we don't have the time for silly games",

A tiny version of Adora peaked her head around a pillar and once Shadow Weaver had her back turned she giggled and took off running.

Shadow Weaver spun around, "Adora!, Adora! Come back here!",

Adora passed some supply crates and then doubled back making the decision to hide behind them. She held her breath as Shadow Weaver got closer.

"This child will be the death of me", Shadow Weaver stopped close to the crate but didn't notice Adora hiding, she kept calling out and Adora listened closely as Shadow Weaver's voice faded away.

When Adora was sure Shadow Weaver had gone she started to step out of her hiding spot, until she heard quiet pattering behind her, the noise startled her so turned around and balled her tiny fists ready to find the source of the noise, she walked further behind the crates and heard soft crying behind one of them,

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