Chapter 4

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Bow sits starry eyed at the makeshift table that has been setup for breakfast, he suddenly holds his cheeks and shouts, "So you mean to tell me, there's a planet filled with cat people AND it's called Purrsia!",

Glimmer massages her temples and sighs,"Why?...Why are you being like this, you've already asked this question multiple times!",

Bow grabs Glimmer by the shoulders , "But it's a planet! Full of CAT PEOPLE! And we are going there!".

Catra and Adora are sitting across from them, Catra groans and rests her forehead on the table, Adora is giggling as Bow and Glimmer continue to bicker, Kywa looks on bewildered, leaning on her hand,"Is he always like this?",

"Yes", Adora and Catra answer in unison.

Kywa turns her attention to the breakfast bun on her plate and pulls off a small portion and eats it , "Thank you for taking me home, it's been awhile",

Adora turns to face Kywa, one arm on the table "What were you even doing at Prison Moon?".

"Rescue mission, the horde had taken an interest in, shall we say, some pretty powerful individuals",

Catra's ears prick up and she sits up to join the conversation, "what exactly do you mean by powerful individuals?",

Kywa leans back in her chair putting her arms behind her head, "there was a settlement in Etheria that Purrsia has always been tasked to protect, place called Half-Moon",

Glimmer turns around at the name, "I've heard of Half-Moon, apparently grand illusionists lived there once, but it's been abandoned for some time now"

Kywa leans forward "on the surface, yes, after the horde invaded one of my tasks was to help hide the Magicats".

Bow eyes sparkle again. Glimmer puts up her hand,"Don't!", he pouts and puts his head down.

Adora looks confused. "Wait, how did you even get to Etheria? It would've been in Despondos then? ",

Kywa nodded, "That it was, however the ship you guys rescued me from had the ability to create a portal gate, granted making a portal from the ship can burn through a months supply of Thulite so it wasn't something we used very often".


Catra felt shivers go up her spine, Adora notices and places a hand on her shoulder and squeezes it reassuringly,

"So the best thing to do was to keep them hidden underground until we could get them to Purrsia safely", Kywa continues,

"Still doesn't explain why you were near Prison Moon", Adora asks.

Bow pipes up, "If I had to guess, it must have something to do with wormholes?",

Kywa snaps her fingers, "Correct, Prison Moon was the best jump point to get across to get close enough to Half-Moon, but this time seems the horde was waiting for me, luckily I hadn't opened the portal gate",

"How close could we have come to the horde getting a hold of the Magicats?", Glimmer muses.

Kywa shook her head , "it would not have turned out well for anyone".

Adora frowns,"these Magicats could've helped horde prime?",

"There were stories back in Bright Moon about how powerful the Magicats were, horde prime would've wiped the floor with us if he even got close to getting one of those mind control chips on them"

The disembodied voice of Darla interrupted the conversation. "We will arrive soon at the destination of.....Purrsia".

Kywa excitedly gets up from the table, "We should probably announce ourselves before landing",

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