Chapter 15

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Percival holds Kywa's halberd in his hand, investigating it closely, "You're telling me this was part of the mask?"

Kywa nods, "Pretty impressive huh?"

"Yes impressive indeed, the true mask hasn't been seen for quite some time and after it was corrupted by C'yra it was thought the true mask no longer existed, so really what's more impressive is how your mother even found it!", he hands the halberd back to Kywa.

Catra stands behind them lost in thought, she thought about Neara mostly with a hint of sadness as she so desperately wanted her to come back through the portal with her and Kywa, she twirls the staff around on it's hilt and watches the top as it spins, recalling when she thought meeting her father was like a puzzle fitting together perfectly, but now after meeting her mother the puzzle felt bigger and elaborate and more importantly she felt as though she was part of the puzzle now, Catra smiled to herself she finally felt special.

Her ears pricked up as she heard She-ra approaching, she stands beside Catra and leans on her sword giving her a dorky smile, Catra looks at her and raises an eyebrow, "What?"

"You should definitely wear leather more often",She-ra stands behind Catra and hugs her.

Catra smirks and turns around, putting her arms around She-ra's neck, "Well just imagine how good I look now out of it", she whispers, She-ra goes bright red as Catra laughs cheekily.

"If you two are done being gross, we need to get out of here", Kywa calls out to them.

Percival steps out past the inner chamber doors, the ground still has a dark amber tinge to it, they are greeted by a larger crowd of Magicats that have gathered. The soft conversations start to hush when Percival steps aside allowing the Magicats to see Catra and Kywa, for a moment there is complete silence and then slowly one by one the Magicats kneel and bow their heads.

"What....what are they doing?", Catra whispered to Percival.

Percival smiles ,"Paying their respects to their Queen's"

"Queen's?! That escalated quickly!", Kywa whispered.

Percival laughs, "well until your mother comes back the both of you are in charge". He looks out over the crowd, "D'riluth help all of us" he says under his breath.

"why can't you be in charge?", Catra asks.

Percival shakes his head, "Only direct descendants can rule, that has always been the way and the Queen's connection to D'riluth is what keeps the rest of us strong, even more so now that your mother has bestowed her power to you".

Catra takes a moment to look at the crowd, as her eyes scan the crowd she locks eyes with a small Magicat toddler, their tiny pointy ears twitch and their tiny eyes blink as they stare back at Catra, a wide toothy smile spreads across their tiny round face. Catra puts a hand on her chest as her heart melts.

Is this what it feels like to help people? Do they need me?

Catra's thoughts are broken by She-ra laughing.

"What? what's so funny?"

"Queen Catra, wait till i tell Glimmer!"

Catra groans and puts her head in her hands, "Oh sparkles is going to have a field day with this".

* * *

Angella, Glimmer and Micah are sitting underneath the moonstone. Micah sits with his chin resting on his hand listening to Angella recount her story of being saved by Neara,"And Neara? Where is she now?".

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