Chapter 20

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High up in a room overlooking the courtyard a female Magicat stands at the stained glass window shaking her head, watching the princesses fight with what remains of Gabriel's army,"Useless the lot of them. Clawdius has us waiting here for what?"

A male Magicat comes over to see,"I don't get it either. Why are we here doing nothing when we'd be of better use out there?"

An older male Magicat stands up,"You dare question Lord Clawdius' commands? He told us to stay here which is the command we will follow!"

The female Magicat scoff,"There's a difference between following commands and following someone blindly, old-timer"

The other Magicats in the room look around at each other, some of them smile at her words others seem incensed. The older Magicat opens his mouth to argue but is stopped by a rumbling coming from outside the room.

They all turn to look at the door, for a short moment there is silence, the wall around the door starts to crack and a bright crimson light seeps through. The Magicats clench their fists and ready their runes as the wall blasts into the room. Catra steps over the rubble and throws her captive unconscious magicat to the floor.

"Well now what are you all doing hiding in here?",She says smugly. Looking over the Magicats in the room she sees some of them trying to climb out one of the open windows, she creates a rune and blocks all of them up.

"Now that's just rude, I haven't had a chance to introduce myself", Catra bares her teeth, "As your Queen!"

The older Magicats shouts back,"you will never be my queen!", he rushes towards Catra, runes glowing around his clenched fists.

Catra puts out her hand and the Magicat freezes in place,

"Impossible", comes a quiet murmur amongst the Magicats in the room, some bow their heads and kneel, visibly shaking. Catra smiles and turns her hand over making a fist, bringing the Magicat closer to her,

"Now that is smart'', She waves her hand and the Magicat lands against the wall and slides to the floor winching. Catra raises an eyebrow as she senses some of the other Magicats trying to surround her.

"Now!", shouts one of the Magicats, three of them create rune chains attaching to Catra's wrists and neck, blue electricity runs along the chains, Catra's muscle tense up as the electricity surrounds her body, The Magicats grip the chains trying to get Catra to kneel suddenly she clenches her fist and yells, the blue lighting flickers to red, the chains rattle and break away.

She narrows her eyes and stares at them, facing her hands towards them as a bright crimson ball starts to form in her palms.

* * *

Kywa runs around the first floor of the castle shouting out Clawdius' name, she comes to a stop as her nose twitches catching the scent of an open fire. She turns around and makes her way towards Tao's study.

She peaks around the door frame to see Clawdius sitting at the fireplace in her father's chair.

She walks in quietly, "That's not yours to sit in", she snarls.

Clawdius looks around seemingly surprised that Kywa is standing there,"I thought I got rid of you!", he stands up to face Kywa.

Kywa without breaking her gaze, moves her head side to side, her bones giving an audible crack, "You're gonna have to try a little harder next time".

Clawdius laughs,"Challenge accepted!", before Kywa could react he tackles her out into the corridor and they being to wrestle, Clawdius picks Kywa up and throws her against the wall, Kywa with her free hand scratches Clawdius across the nose, this throws him off enough to let her go, she pushes him against the wall punching him in the stomach.

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