Chapter 18

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Clawdius sat in Tao's study waiting for the Magicat he summoned, his chin resting on his fingers as he stared absently into the slow burning fire in the fireplace, the orange light danced across his face.

...Somewhere you'll never find her.

He cursed the quietness of Tao's study, apart from the crackling of the fire all he could hear now was Kywa's words over and over again. He sighed as he rubbed a finger along the bridge of his nose. Why was it so hard to believe Neara was gone.

More importantly why do you care?

Clawdius frowned as he could feel tears welling up, he still cared after all these years. He growled as he roughly wiped his eyes, as he pulled his hands away he caught sight of the blue and white lattice braided bracelet he wore, his expression softened and he tenderly ran his index claw underneath it, even now after all these years the memory of it gave him comfort.

* * *

Young Clawdius ran his hand through his tiny mane as he sat cross legged on Neara's bed, he studied her face closely as she sat on her window ledge looking out over the forest surrounding castle Half-Moon.

He closed one eye and lifted his hand holding out a small piece of long charcoal. His breathing hitched slightly as Neara pulled her long braid over her shoulder. He forced himself to look back at his small handheld easel, he had to make sure he got the proportions right. This drawing had to be special, he was terrible with words but hoped that sharing this with her might tell her everything he wanted her to know.

He looked up again and this time Neara turned to look at him, she quickly got off the ledge and came over to sit on the bed, she tried to peer over his easel, Clawdius immediately responded by covering it with his hand. Neara looked up at him with a small pout.

"What are you drawing and why can't i look at it?",


"Because why?",

"Because you can't see it yet!",

Neara dramatically collapses on the bed,"That's not fair, I've seen all of your drawings before"

"Well I'm taking extra care with this one because I want you to be excited when you see it", Clawdius says playfully.

Neara sits up and straightens her hair,"Well you're lucky I am a patient girl", Neara's eyes widen and she quickly jumps off the bed ,"OH! That reminds me!", she makes her way over to her dresser and opens a small silver box, she pauses for a moment before taking something out and hiding it in her hand. She sits back on the bed in front of Clawdius and puts out her hand.

"Give me your wrist",

Clawdius raises an eyebrow as he closes his easel,"why?"

Neara laughs,"Just trust me" and shakes her hand impatiently.

Clawdius gives her his wrist and Neara tenderly puts the braided bracelet around his wrist. Clawdius lifted his arm, the bracelet was big enough to fit half way down it. He had to admit it was a pretty bracelet, the way the blue and white leather wrapped around each other and culminated in a tiny silver clasp.

Clawdius frowned at it, trying to be coy,"it's a little big isn't it?"

Neara smiles, giving back the same cheeky energy,"Well it was the first one i ever made, besides this way you can wear it forever!".

Neara laughed and Clawdius blushed, he loved the way she laughed.

* * *

"Sir? You wanted to see me?"

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