Chapter 10

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Tao grabs Catra around the waist, struggling to pull her off Kywa who she has pinned to the ground,"This has gone on long enough!",

Catra struggles against him shouting at Kywa, "YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MANY YEARS I SUFFERED AT THE HANDS OF THAT WOMAN! NO IDEA!",

Kywa slowly gets up onto one knee trying to steady herself, Catra pushes herself out of Tao's grip,"Let me go!", She runs back at Kywa, extending her claws and swipes her, Kywa is caught off guard, she tries to get out of the way but is too slow and one of Catra's claws catches her right ear and slices it, Kywa yowls and grabs her ear.

Tao growls loudly, "I said that is ENOUGH!", he grabs Catra a little more forcefully this time, pushing her over towards Adora,"Hold her!", he goes over to Kywa to help her up but she snarls at him and slaps his hand out of the way and gets to her feet by herself, she checks her sliced ear, she looks at her fingers there is a little bit of blood, "Well at least you're consistent at hurting people" she shouts at Catra. Catra growls and gets ready to go back over, Adora holds on tight to her,"Catra, don't please".

Tao bares his teeth and shouts at both Catra and Kywa,"BOTH OF YOU NEED TO COOL OFF NOW!",Catra and Kywa stop arguing and go quiet, rattled by Tao's anger, he takes a deep breath and closes his eyes, turning away from them, "I am so disappointed in the both of you", he walks off.

His words cause Catra to feel a strange unfamiliar tugging in her chest, an emotion she can't quite place. Tao's words have affected them both, their heads are down and their ears are drooped. After a silent moment Kywa walks off without saying a word.

Catra stays, she stares at the ground still trying to place the strange feeling in her chest, her ears prick back up when she senses Adora staring at her, she looks over and Adora has her arms folded, Catra sighs,"What?",

"Did that make you feel better?",

Catra rolls her eyes,"Don't start Adora",

"No Catra that is a serious question", Adora comes and stands beside Catra,"did getting into a fight with Kywa make you feel better?",

Catra looks at Adora for a moment and then frowns,"...Not really",

"Didn't change any of the hurt did it?",

Catra shakes her head,"I thought it would",

"You don't know why Kywa did what she did", Adora said sympathetically.

"You're making excuses for her?!", Catra said with annoyance in her voice.

"I'm not making excuses, people making choices Catra, not all of them are good, you of all people should know that". Catra flinches at Adora's word, but couldn't deny she had a point.

"Remember what I told you. When we were in the portal?",

How could i forget, Catra thought,"you made your choice, now deal with it",

"Exactly and I never understood why you opened the portal-",

"I wanted to cause problems on purpose", Catra says in a slightly lighter tone.

"...Catra", Adora said seriously.

"Sorry bad joke",

Adora sighed, "maybe once both of you have cooled down, you might be able to under-"

Catra interrupted, "No Adora, I'm not ready to understand just yet, have to at least let me be angry".

Adora goes to say something but stops and just nods silently.

Kywa jumped down to a small riverbank away from everyone, her eyes still red and her chest heaving, she put her hand under the trickling waterfall bringing it up to her sliced ear, letting the coolness ease the pain, she winced a little at the initial sting and checked her fingers to see if she was still bleeding, she wasn't.

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