Chapter 3

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Jax and Opie had invited me to go with them to fun town which I thought was really nice. I wore a black and grey pair of ripped skinny jeans. I paired with it a studded belt, and pair of ankle boots with skulls on them. I wore a Slipknot band tee and a choker that had skulls printed on it. I did my usually makeup which consisted of a black smokey eye and thick eyeliner. The only adult emo in Charming. 

I rode my bike and met them outside the gate. "Hey guys!" 

"Hey Hadley." Jax smiled. As Jax and I exchanged pleasantries, Donna and Opie came up with the kids. 

"Hadley!" The kids screeched. I bent down and high fived them both. 

"Hi guys!" I smiled. 

"We missed you!" Ellie hugged me and Kenny gave a slight smile but tried to deny Ellie's comment. "No I didn't!" 

"It's alright dude. Maybe your mom will let me steal you guys for a bit, we can go get some ice cream." I said and their eyes lit up. "Mom! Please!" 

Donna grinned and nodded. "First one there is a rotten egg." Kenny yelled and both him and Ellie bolted. 

"Hey! Not fair!" I bolted after them as I heard Opie, Donna, and Jax laughing. 



I watched Hadley chase after Kenny and Ellie. "I saw her staring at you like that." Ope said with a shit eating grin on his face. 

"I am not staring at her like anything. Tara's back in town. Thought this was going to be my chance to do things right." Donna nodded, but Opie rolled his eyes. 

"She's history bro. It's not going to work. She's just going to up and leave again. I really think Hadley is going to be around a long time." Opie said as he looked around. 

"Hadley and I barely talk. We don't even know each other." I tried to defend my feelings about Tara but there was something about Hadley that drew me to her. 

"Look, it's been a few days but every single time I bring you up, she blushes." Donna shrugged, adding to the conversation. 

"So what, most girls in Charming think I'm attractive?" I tried to be as nonchalant as I could. 

"All I am saying is that, both of you feel something. Not giving it a try would be wrong." Ope said as we went into fun town. Hadley and the kids were walking back over to us with ice cream. She was smiling. Her smile would light up a room. I felt the need to protect her. I saw her with Hale and I knew she could handle herself. There was just something about her. 



As we walked back over to Opie, Donna, and Jax, I realized that I had a small amount of feelings for Jax. I knew it wouldn't go anywhere since there's probably someone else, I had to have hope that some day we would give it a try. 

The kids went on rides with Opie and Donna which they were extremely excited about. "Hadley will you come on the next one with us?" Ellie questioned. 

"Sure sweetie. Can I tell you a secret?" I said, bent down and she nodded. 

"I don't really like roller coasters and rides, will you sit with me?" She nodded eagerly. 

"I'll even hold your hand if you want!" I giggled as the others laughed. 

"Thanks Ellie." I said as we got on the small rollercoaster. Jax sat beside Kenny and I sat beside Ellie. She grabbed a hold of my hand as we started moving and I smiled. Kenny and Ellie giggled to themselves whilst on the ride. Jax laughed as well. I sat there, trying my best not to freak out. 

Once the ride stopped, "You did really well for not liking rides!" Ellie said, trying to cheer me up. 

"Well thank you!" We met up with Opie and Donna again and we all walked around while the kids went on some rides. 

"So, how long have you and your brother been fighting? If you don't mind me asking?" Donna questioned. 

"I don't mind. It started when I was a kid. I liked different things than they did. They liked rap and dumb shit like that but I liked rock and roll and metal. So they made fun of me for that. Then when I started dressing differently, not only did they call me a freak, they got everyone to call me a freak. My mom died really early in my life so when it was just dad, he began drinking. David and Jacob used to cheer him on when he used the belt to try and cleanse me of the devil or some bullshit. After a while, I pushed back. I wasn't going to be the girl who got beaten because she liked a different kind of music and dressed differently. My brothers didn't like that I stood up to my father, but they never stopped him. So, I brought a girl home hoping he would just kick me out. He didn't. He did his best to beat the bisexual out of me.  It didn't work. I left home at 16 and was on the street for a year before I got a job and turned my life around. I guess that's the reason I hate them so much. They weren't there when I needed them." Jax hugged me tightly. 

"I'm sorry you had to put up with that. I wish we knew you back then." Donna said. 

"It's alright. Everyone has a story, some worse than others. There are people out there who had it worse than I did. I am happy now and that's what matters." I shrugged as Jax took a step away from me. 

"Well, I know that if we had known, we would have helped you back then." Opie said strongly.

"Really, it's alright. Shit happens. I still like metal, I still love wearing the same clothes, and I still like both women and men. He didn't take away who I am and that's what matters." Everyone nodded as we watched the kids on the Spinovater. 

"You left something out though didn't you?" Donna seemed sad, I kind of froze but I knew they would be there for me so I took a deep breath. 

"Yeah." I said simply. "A small percentage of men that physically abuse their family actually sexually abuse their family as well. I was part of that percentage. I had never told anyone until now. After I brought the girl home, my father thought it would be great to, how did he word it, show me what it's like to be with a man." 

"That's disgusting." Opie scrunched his nose but also seemed shocked.

"Yes, as a matter of fact it was. Especially because to traumatize me even more, he got me pregnant. Then beat me so bad, the inbred died, but I almost died. I have never told anyone that. Not Jacob. Not David. Not a partner. No one says a thing." I warned them and they all nodded. 

"Okay, now to stop with this nonsense that was my teen years." The words came out and then Kenny and Ellie ran over to us again. 

"Can we go on the Ferris Wheel?" Donna asked Opie. The kids grinned and excitedly jumped up and down. "Please dad!" 

Opie nodded and then looked at Jax and I. We both just nodded. I thought that I would go with Ellie and Jax with Kenny but Donna got on with Kenny, and Opie with Ellie. So Jax and I ended up going together. 

We were half way up when Jax said, "My dad died when I was 15. I had a brother too and he died of a heart defect." I looked at him and hugged him tightly.

"I'm sorry Jax." I said softly.

"It's alright, I've come to terms with it." He said, giving me a genuine smile. At the top of the Ferris Wheel, we caught each others eyes and leaned in. Our lips touched and moved in sync. And that was the first time we kissed.

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