14 (Important Info at the End)

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Except from "The Twin Gods" by Dr. Edgar

Long, long ago. A pair of twins had descended into the lands of Celestia. One had the compassion of their people who ruled over life and its command. The other had the penitence of their people who ruled over death and the magic they have bestowed on their people. Alchemy was the name of their magic. A magic that can create and destroy. In the twins' words;

" Alchemy can destroy what has created, repair what has destroyed, and transform what has repaired. "

The twins had helped ruled the land known as Teyvat for how many decades, centuries, and millenniums. They have shaped the great gods we know today; Rex Lapis the Geo Archon, Decarabian the former Anemo Archon, Dolion the God of Curses, and many more. The gods of Celestia had regarded these two as one of the most influential gods before the Archon War had begun. Koumei[1] had descended onto the land of ours before long Kojutsu[2] had done. The two can be seen with robes adorning their figures and staffs taller than the two men. Performing miracles, healing, and curing the people of Teyvat.

But one performance of theirs stood out the most.

The blessing of the Agape Family.

This blessing had created one of the most stellar people when it comes to alchemy. Their skills second to the gods themselves. None knew why Koumei and Kojutsu had blessed this family. The first one to receive this blessing was none other than a boy with one child in his care. His unfaithful wife leaving him for another man.....


Except from "Traditions of the Alchemy Vision" by Francine Hollister

During my visit and my unexpected encounter with the Agape Family, they have told me the multiple traditions that the Twin Gods had taught them. From praying to bless their newly born offspring in the spring that had held the Twin's Tears. They have also specifically told me that their isolation from the outside world is one of the traditions. A way of contributing to Kojutsu's ideal; Secrecy. I have no knowledge of how solitary confinement is connected to secrets and even probing for more information, the family had refused to give more information.

Another Tradition is the "Full Moon Festival" that Kojutsu had taught them. The family had told me that it was a tribute of someone dear to the Twin Gods. The very words the twins had said were written in a quilt. The said quilt had been displayed in a treasure room of the family's manor. The words were written were;

" When the moon is a whole and stars adorned the night sky, go out and light a fire on our behalf. Light it up as bright as it can be. As big it can be. Cook the dishes your forefathers and foremothers had eaten over the centuries. Dance the dance they once danced around the fire. Sing the song they sang in the midst of the night. "

On this night, songs that were sung more than thousands of years ago are sung. Dancing the dance that most people would find now strange. Foods that are more than unfamiliar to us modern people that we would consider disgusting. No one knows why they are so faithful nor why they are in such large numbers. Although not many can be counted as they prefer to stay hidden in the shadows. Almost away from the sights of people like us. Keeping the traditions and cultures clean. Untainted by the wonders of the outside world.

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