Word from Author

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It's done! I can't believe it's done! I have so many things to say but I don't want this to be long. I just want to thank everyone who read this, commented, voted. Thank you so much! I never really thought this story would get this many reads! I never expected anything so to have this over 100k reads is way over my goal for this fic. I thought that a few hundred or perhaps a thousand. But never in my wildest dreams for it to get it over 100k reads. I sometimes think that it's because I made this fic when Genshin was really at its peak. Actually, Genshin is still famous but 1.1 and 1.2 updates were really when people had started to come in. I guess that's from my observation. 

I had a ton of plans for this fic. And some were discarded. One of them is the scenario on Rosamie. I did want Kojutsu to get mad at that part but I never knew how to get him mad. I thought of someone breaking the statue that Rosamie had and it got destroyed a bit. But the fact that it was Koumie's statue that got hit, that's why Kojutsu got mad. But the more I thought of it, I don't really think that Kojutsu would get mad at that. Also, I didn't want to kill anyone in that part. It's more of just capturing them and getting one of Rosamie's people to get the Millelith. But I changed it a ton.

I also wanted to add more hints about the condition of (YN)'s condition. Like having Kojutsu get into a coma for a few days but I scrapped that idea. I actually wanted this fic to be more satire. Like making fun of Kojutsu for being in his current state after centuries. But the fic is just angst all over. (Hence, why I wanted to publish Subordinate later cause of the angst). Even there's a final chapter already but I will still be writing the special chapters but not as often anymore. I wanted to reveal a bit more of Kojutsu's and Koumei's past. You could say, I want you guys to see how Kojutsu before all of this happened. More of Kojutsu just being happy. I know that this has a lot of OOCness from the characters. Especially Venti, but seeing that this fic has a serious problem, I really don't want the character to be so happy-go-lucky.

And don't worry, I will still be uploading the Special Chapters for this fic but not as often anymore. God of Alchemy will truly end after I publish the October Special which I am thinking of publishing on October 30. After that, I won't be updating God of Alchemy anymore. I have plans to publish my original work so I hope that you guys will find that enjoyable as this fanfic is.

I also know that the ending was quite...questionable. It's not similar to Careless Lullaby where it's more clear. Not to mention, I haven't really explained the trigger of the curse that was planted on Kojutsu. But I don't want this to be long and so I'm going to explain it as briefly as I can. Basically, the trigger of the curse is Koumei's death. And it didn't trigger until now cause of plot reasons. (cue finger guns). Hence why Koumei doesn't have the same curse in the 100k Special. As for the ending, the black pearl is actually the container of Koumei's soul. Since Koumei is the trigger of the curse, Dolion wanted to at least keep Koumei's soul bound to Teyvat so Koumei could be the last boss after defeating the monsters.

That's all I got to say and I want to thank everyone once again for sticking up until the end! Also, if you noticed that the chapters have been rearranged after reading this, ignore it. I just want this fic to be more organized that's all. As of now, I already published Living Shamelessly, my current fic. I hope that you guys will tune in and see how the story will unfold.

last thing, kojutsu is actually naked under his robe. hehe

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