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[ AN: I did not get Albedo but have this ]

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"Look out!" Venti shouted, warning the others from behind. Jumping a few feet backward, the others followed along. 

A second later, spikes came out of the ground. It wasn't metal nor wooden. It was stone spikes that had a shiny look to them. "Poison," Venti said. Shocking the others. Even if they barely dodged it they still could be poisoned, is what they thought. And if they didn't dodge it then they could've died. Both ways still ended in death. Such a cruel thing. 

"Keep your guard up," Venti warned "There are more here and probably more dangerous than this one. And I'm not sure why it's activated but it did so if we don't want to die then, keep your eyes open." The others nodded whilst a few shouted a 'Yes'.  Even Childe followed along.

Perhaps it was because he was in unknown territory. Childe scanned his surroundings. It was gloomy, as expected of a cave. The air was cold but not cold enough for Childe to shiver. Snezhnaya's winter is much worse. Even if someone wore thick clothes, they still could get hypothermia. The cave looked decent. Then again, Childe doesn't know what could be decent in a cave. There wasn't anything out of its place. But that's what makes it scarier. Comparing this to the domains he had ventured off to, this was more challenging. And exciting. Childe could grow stronger in here and his senses would grow sharper. And who knows? He might gain immunity to poison if he accidentally didn't dodge one trap. 

"Run!" Hearing this, Childe broke out of his thoughts and glanced back and saw the ground had started to fall down on its own. Revealing an empty pit of the abyss. What's worse is that it's still falling down. Getting near to where they were.

Dashing his way out of the danger zone, Childe had passed Aether and Paimon. But he went back and grabbed them both. Holding Paimon in one of his hands and carrying Aether like a sack of potatoes. 

"Left!" Jean shouted, using her powers to stop the upcoming arrows from hitting them. 

"Zhongli! Duck!" Said male did what he ordered. Diluc jumping upwards with his sword in hand and slammed his claymore on the ground. The fire surrounding the blade, melting what it touched. Zhongli looked to see what Diluc had hit and seen some sort of arrow. But the head was some sort of claw and it had a point at the center. Dripping liquid. Once again, it was poison.

"That was close!" Paimon said, getting out of Childe's grip. 

"It's not over yet," Venti said. His tone serious and had almost echoed throughout the whole cave. Getting in front of the group, Venti took his bow and it gathered Anemo energy to it. A ball of wind was at the tip of his arrow, releasing the arrow and his clothes were floating rapidly. Releasing the string of his bow from his finger, the arrow was sent out flying to wherever Venti was aiming. The arrow had hit a huge boulder. Destroying it with the Anemo energy that it gathered on the arrow. Pieces of stone and dust blocking their vision. The whole group stayed still. Awaiting for the next trap to appear or activate. Standing still for a while, it was quiet. Too quiet for their liking. Raising their guards up, turning in every single direction if they even hear a single wisp of air.

Another moment passed and no trap was activating or weapons were coming their way. Calming down a bit, all of them took a sigh of relief. Especially Paimon whose heart was about to beat out of her chest. "That was so scary!" she commented. Staying limp as she felt safe in Aether's hold. 

Venti chuckled dryly, "If you think that's scary then you should've seen the previous ones! They were much harder to dodge, you know!" he said. 

"What kind of traps were there? In the previous ones, I mean?" Jean asked. A bit curious to know. 

"There are monsters just jumping out of nowhere and random traps just activated one after the another --- if it weren't for Zhongli at that time then we would've died!" Zhongli didn't add anything to spice up the story. He only smiled at Venti.

He's weirdly quiet..., Venti said in his mind. But with how little time they had now, he didn't put much thought into it and told everyone to follow him once again. After dodging any more incoming traps and blocking arrows from hitting, they soon arrived at another entrance. This time, there wasn't any kind of stone or wall from hiding it. 

"We're here!" Entering through the entrance, the group took this opportunity to scan their surroundings. It's different, is what they could only think of. There's ventilation and sunlight had to shine its way through the cracks and holes of the caves. Tall pillars supported the building. The building itself was majestic and foreign to the group. the architecture wasn't similar to Mondstadt nor Liyue --- not even to Snezhnaya.

Instead of a roof that they were so familiar with, instead, it was a dome. And the color of it was white. So white that the group might think that they'll go blind if they stare for too long. A small garden was upfront. A few stone benches for people who might want to sit and tall bushes that have been pruned. It was very wide at the bottom but pointy at the top. A few butterflies and fireflies were flying around without a care. Even the ground was hard as a rock, grass had grown in the garden. The group can't help but be awed at the sight. And when they heard steps coming towards them, they stiffened. Except for Venti who walked up front with confidence. A smile adorning his face and his chest puffed up as if he was showing off something. His back wasn't in the normal slouch it would be anymore. It was straight. Making him seem taller than usual.

Soon enough, a figure showed up. Standing in front of the porch of the building. Since it was a bit far, the group could only see the white robe the figure wore. It had red linings and the robe was only tied loosely. Their chest could easily be seen by others. Also noting that some part of his chest had some kind of black mark on it. His hair in the hue of (HC) and the tips were in a different color. They weren't sure if it was gold or silver. It kept flickering from one color to the other. 

Edited: July 2, 2021

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