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In the midst of eating, (YN) asked, "I'm guessing you six are currently here about the monsters, correct?" Leaning back onto his chair. (YN) crossed his legs.

 "That's right, (YN)-san. Venti had told us about you might have a plan on dealing with those monsters permanently. It's disrupting our business with other nations and the people of Mondstadt have been scared to go outside since they've appeared," Jean said. 

"Not only that, hilichurls are starting to camp out nearer to the borders also. So the deliveries have been slow and most of our products are always getting damaged despite knights and adventurers guarding my people," Diluc added.

Childe could only chuckle at how formal their reasons are, "I think I'm the only one that's not here on official business then?" he commented. Scratching the backside of his neck. 

"Probably not," (YN) said. As if he knew what Childe's purpose was on this trip. 

"Most probably is you're going to be food --- if I hadn't killed the creature back then, you might've become food." Paimon choked. Punching her chest a few times, still not believing what (YN) had said. In fact, no one at the table believed what (YN) said. Aside from Diluc that is. 

"I doubt that I would get eaten! I'm stronger than you think," Childe said in an attempt to defend himself that he was once potential food.

"That's right! Even if he looks like that, Childe is stronger than he actually is! And Paimon knows so! I and Aether were battling against each other once!" Paimon recalled how scary Childe was at his Foul Legacy Form, she didn't even know how they were able to make out of the battle alive back then. Childe's attacks, at first, were fast and pretty heavy and by the time he transformed his attacks were basically one-shot. Paimon still wonders how Aether survived throughout the battle with a couple of broken bones and bruises. 

"If you aren't food then what purpose are you supposed to have besides a distraction and an annoyance to the creature?" (YN) finished one of the two cups of his tea and grabbed another one after putting the now empty cup.

"If I were the creature I would bring some sort of food source just in case I get hungry. And you, my friend, I can tell you are quite gullible. Although I do sense some sort of intelligence in you, I doubt that it would include on how to know when a person is tricking you or not." Childe wanted to refuse the accusation but he can't deny it either. Whether it's because of his pride that he may get clouded with others' words or the person is too manipulative that he won't be able to know what they're planning. Isn't that why he has subordinates? To fill in the missing blank spaces so he'll come up with a plan that won't let him get in trouble?

 "WE can't deny that," Diluc commented and Childe is now only restraining himself from punching the red-head that was so close to him. In fact, he would've punched Diluc. If it weren't for the footsteps that echoed throughout the dining room and two familiar voices that he knew of. 

"I told you! Gliding is better! And faster! We would be done by now if you just went along with my plan!" 

"I doubt it, Venti... Liyue does not that have much strong wind currents as there would be in Mondstadt."

"What do you mean? I sensed some wind currents at certain places so why could we not use that? And besides, gliding is now spreading its way to Liyue! So if you want to keep up with the youngsters these days then you better start practicing!"

All of the people inside the dining room could hear a heavy and loud sigh coming from one of the two and they could tell that it was Zhongli. The two soon arrived in the dining room covered in dirt and a few scratches here and there. "Did you get the ingredients?" (YN) asked as he stood up. 

Approaching the two archons, "We did but there might be a few damages to the ingredients but not that by much." Zhongli held the said ingredients and offered them to (YN) who took them graciously. 

"It's fine..." (YN) said "I may not be good at repairing but my skills are better than what most alchemists have." Taking the remaining ingredients in Venti's hands.

"I will be performing some experiments so feel free to explore and if you see any weird stuff then don't touch it. Most probably you're going to get cursed or poisoned." With that, (YN) disappeared into another room. The basement is what they (except for the archons) think. 

Edited: July 2, 2021

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