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As soon as Aether and Venti arrived on the training grounds, they heard someone shouting then shrieking. Looking at who was shrieking, it was Childe. A vine wrapped around his foot as he dangled in the air. Bruises and wounds were scattered around his body. His appearance was similar to Venti. "Where are Jean and Master Diluc?" Glancing around the room, they found Jean balancing herself on a wooden pole. And Diluc was standing still as he carried a hefty-looking rock on his shoulders. 

Aether and Paimon can tell that he was struggling with how much he was sweating and the scowl on his face says it all. "(YN)..." Hearing a gruff voice behind them, Aether and Paimon jumped. Glancing back, they saw Zhongli with a more rugged appearance. He looked like a beggar. Instead of wounds, he has burns on his body. "I got all.... ten of them," Zhongli said in between pants. Venti, Aether, and Paimon moved aside. Letting Zhongli enter through. Dragging behind was five still alive pyro whooperflowers and five cryo ones. All were bound with some sort of shining rope. All ten of them struggled and even tried to attack Aether but Venti slapped them away with the use of his powers.

"Good work..." (YN) appeared in front of Zhongli and took the rope that he held. "Be a dear and get me the fragilized bone shards in my study, will you?" Zhongli clearly wanted to sigh in annoyance but he held it in. 

Nodding his head, "I will..." Zhongli dragged his feet, trudging towards (YN)'s study. 

"You're kinda merciless, huh?" Paimon commented as she stared at Zhongli's hunched figure. 

"They should've won the mock battle yesterday if they didn't want this to happen," said (YN). Dragging the whooperflowers towards a cage that was not too far from them. Putting them inside the cage, (YN) had locked it and reinforced the cage to not let the whooperflowers escape accidentally.

Coming back to Aether, "You should train together with them," (YN) said, "It's better if you train now and get stronger." Aether has a dread feeling because of what (YN) had said. It's not you get to hear a god saying that you need to get stronger just out of nowhere. Unless he knew about his situation with his sibling then Aether would've accepted the warning. However, there's a different issue going on. So it wouldn't be wrong to think that something terrible is going to happen, correct?

"Why?" Paimon asked "And what about you? Paimon and the others know that you're strong and all but you can't just stay in your study all of the time, you know? You should at least stretch your muscles." Aether thought that Paimon was going to say something but it looks like the small female was just concerned about (YN). 

"And look how pale you are! You're basically a ghost now! And Paimon hasn't seen you take a single bite either!" A little bit too concerned, really. And now Paimon had mentioned it, Aether didn't see (YN) eat a single thing since they've arrived. 

"I don't have the appetite to eat," (YN) said a bit defensively. "And besides, I have snacks hidden in my study so I won't starve. And about the stretching thing... I'm currently going to Bubu Pharmacy." (YN) then walked away. Leaving the two to follow him towards Childe.

"Are you going to let me down now?" The ginger male asked. The three can visibly see the blood that rushed to his head so (YN) put him down gently. "Don't sit up too fast or you're gonna fall back down." (YN) knelt down beside Childe who was laying down on the ground with a dazed look on his face. 

"You use the bow, right?" Childe processed the question for a bit before nodding. A bit curious as to why (YN) had asked him this. "After I come back from Bubu Pharmacy, I'm going to see you how you shoot with your bow, got it?" (YN) stood up. Glancing back to see Aether and Paimon staring at him with wide eyes. Imitating the image of two cute children. One of the shameful weaknesses of (YN). To think that one of the weaknesses of the great god was a cute child.

"What?" he asked mindlessly. Not caring what they're going to answer. 

"Can we come with you?" Aether pleaded as he stared at the other male harder. It took a short moment before (YN) could reply, 

"W-what?" A bit shocked. Wondering why Aether would want to come with him to Bubu Pharmacy. 

"We can protect you," Aether said as an excuse to be together with (YN). Even though that kind of excuse was useless and all since they knew that (YN) was stronger than him. Telling him that Aether would protect him is like a puppy protecting a wolf against danger.

(YN) noticed the look on Aether's face and can't help but sigh in helplessness. "Fine..." he said. 

Edited: July 2,2021


same with Careless Lullaby, i thought of Kojutsu's and Koumei's cannon name.

孤死 (Ko-shi) -  Kojutsu's cannon name and it means Lonely Death.

約子 (Yaku-ko) - Koumei name. [i changed the name if ur an old reader]. yaku from promises and ko from the character child. 

btw i checked the rankings on this book and for some reason its no. 1 in alchemy? like how the heck did it happen? tho it might not be number 1 by the time i publish this chap but whatevs.

and after much consideration, i really think junichi suwabe's voice does really fit kojutsu for some reason. if u dont know who junichi suwabe is, he's the seiyuu (VA) of aizawa shota (BNHA), undertaker (Black Butler), amino daiki (KNB) and many more. but my most favourite character he did was probably frau from 7-ghost. sad that the anime didn't get a season 2. there's a vid up above also if u didn't know.

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