Special Chapter

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For these Special Chapters, I will use the character's names instead of (YN) and such.

Reference for Special Chapter: Kojutsu's Voice lines; When/After it Rains

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It never stopped raining since yesterday. The cold drops of water easily froze the two kids that were huddled against each other. Not much covering them. Only a tiny nightgown that their parents had left them long ago. Or whenever their parents had disappeared. They aren't sure. They never knew their parents and all they knew was each other. One of them snuggled into the other chest. His shivering body could be seen from miles away. A tiny mushroom-shaped fog would appear every time he breathed out. A faint flush of pink had covered his cheeks and his breathing was heavy. 

"Brother..." he muttered under his breath. Clenching his brother's nightgown with his tiny hands. Drops of tears appeared at the corner of his left eye. "It hurts... it hurts..." he added. The tears dropping from his left eye. Snuggling his chin and cheek into his brother's chest, wanting to find some sort of comfort from the pain he's feeling.

"Kojutsu..." Koumei wrapped his arms around his brother. Rubbing circles on his elder brother's back. Biting the insides of his cheeks, not wanting to be seen weak when his brother is in pain. Pulling Kojutsu towards him, Koumei hugged him tighter. Humming a lullaby that he heard humans sing in the night.

Hearing Kojutsu sobbing quietly in his arms, Koumei would only wonder how much pain Kojutsu is in. It's quite rare for a ghoul to get sick after all. Not only that, they are supposed to be immune to disease, unlike humans who could get sick after splashing themselves in the rain for only a minute or two. Yet, Kojutsu is what? Having a fever? That's what humans call it, Koumei thinks.

Koumei had let Kojutsu pull all of his weight on him, the latter just laying on top of him. "Don't worry, brother! When the rain ends then I'll find a cure for sure!" Koumei said. Not only trying to cheer himself up but to cheer his brother up. Kojutsu, who could only hear muffled voices, nodded despite it. Taking a deep breath, focusing in trying to go to sleep.

In the next morning, the rain was finally gone. The sun was shining, birds were chirping and a fresh morning dew scent lingered in the air. And two young ghouls are still taking shelter under a tree along with a woman who had a basket full of herbs close with her. She had moved the two children to her lap. Caressing their heads as she hummed a lullaby.

Koumei first woke up. Noticing that the weight on top of him had disappeared. As soon his eyes had opened, he first looked where his brother was. Recalling that Kojutsu was too sick. Too sick to even lift a finger. How could he even walk around and look for food? But he caught sight of his brother, in front of him. Laying on top of a lap where, he too, laid upon.

Glancing up, Koumei saw a woman. Her hair dark as night and eyes almost as dark. But it had a more brown tint to it than being it complete black. Her skin dark like the people they saw who is out on the sun for a long time. Most are farmers, but there are other reasons as well. The woman noticed that Koumei had woken up, "Shhhh... your brother is still sleeping," she said. Pointing to Kojutsu with her lips.

Grabbing her basket that was full of herbs and not too far away, she gave a few stems of herbs to Koumei. "These are medicinal herbs. Mash them and mix them with hot water. Let your brother drink it and this one here ---" the woman pointed to another stem of herbs --- "same procedure but don't let your brother drink it. Just let it steam over it in his face. It will remove nauseousness and his cold," The woman instructed. Giving the herbs to Koumei. The young ghoul, who kept staring at the woman, nodded mindlessly. Grabbing the herbs from her hold.

"Don't let your brother get sick now, okay? He is very fragile and weak..." Koumeican't help but agree. Kojutsu has always been sickly, but he never admitted it. Saying that he just needs more nutrition. But how can he? That stupid boy keeps giving Koumei his share. How can he get stronger when he eats less?

"I promise! I won't let my brother get sick!" the woman chuckled before shushing Koumei. 

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