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Paimon huffed and put her hands on her hips. A bit angered at how the adventurer is being biased towards (YN). Towards Koumei, the adventurer was praising him with no end, and by the time he mentions (YN), his attitude would change. It's as if he wants everyone who reads this book to know how much he hated him. Saying all of this vile stuff about him. A murderer, doesn't have any kind of emotions in him, has a prejudice against humans but is extremely favorable towards the Agape Family. The adventurer is trying to erase all of the good that (YN) has ever done.

"This adventurer doesn't even know what he's talking about!" Paimon said "If (YN) is hateful towards humans then why is he helping us then!? If Paimon were to hate humans then Paimon would've shunned Jean, Diluc, and Childe out!" Her voice only got higher and higher, resentment clear in her voice. Aether also agrees with Paimon but he can't help but speculate on why (YN) has this kind of reputation. With all of the books they had read, they were all neutral towards (YN) and it's quite obvious which Twin God they much prefer. If that adventurer were still alive, Paimon would've hunted him down and beat him up. Yes, that's what would Paimon would do. Bringing Aether along of course.

"It's kinda weird for (YN) to have this kind of reputation, don't you think?" Aether said.

"What do you mean?" Paimon asked. Curious about what Aether is talking about. 

"Well... (YN) and his brother are equally good so it would make sense if their people would defend him but from the outsider's perspective, they prefer Koumei rather than (YN). Don't you think that there someone who's spreading lies rather than the truth?" Closing the book that Aether was holding, he went searching for another one. 

"Perhaps the people not their people? I mean most of the Paimon and Aether read were mostly from people that only got information from the Twin God's people so they bound to a bit biased, right?" Aether can't help but be a bit dumbfounded.

Not that he believed that Paimon is smart but she does need a bit more information than what's needed. So hearing what came out of her mouth, Aether ponders if Paimon is indeed smart but is acting stupid. Paimon opened her mouth to add something to her statement but stopped when she saw something glinting at the corner of her eyes. Floating towards the shining object with Aether in tow, Paimon immediately looked for the exact location of the object. "What are you looking for?" Aether asked. As soon his eyes had landed on the old-looing shelf, Aether is sure enough that there weren't any valuable things on this shelf. Even the books looked like they would crumble within his touch. 

"I saw treasure!" Paimon said, carefully moving stuff around. Wanting to know what she exactly had seen.

"Really? But I don't think treasure would be here, you know?" Aether replied, putting back the things that Paimon had moved. 

"What do you mean?" Paimon said, disbelief evident in her voice. "Just because this shelf looks old doesn't mean there aren't any antiques here! Who knows? We could sell it for mora like those nameless treasures and that ring we found!" After a few more moments of searching, Paimon finally found what was glinting. 

"Here it is!" she shouted. Taking the small chest off of the shelf, blowing the dust off of it. 

Aether coughed, "Are *cough cough* you sure?" Aether waved the dust away that was coming towards him. Coughing in the middle of his sentence and at the end. 

"Don't be like that! The older it is the more expensive this antique is!" Paimon said and Aether can't help but shake his head. 

"This isn't ours, Paimon," he said, "What if (YN) finds out we stole something?" Aether wanted to grab the small chest out of Paimon's hold but the small female flew upwards.

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