Voice lines

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Oh! Hello there. What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be heading over to where you wa --- what? You want me to go with you? Well, as long it wouldn't take long then I guess it will be fine.

♔Chat (Alchemy):

You want me to teach you the old ways of alchemy? Hahaha! I admire your eagerness but the old ways of alchemy is very hard. Especially for you who started doing the more modern way.

♔Chat (Relics):

The relics displayed on my home? They're ours. We the God of Alchemy share the same relics but each has its own versions. The one you see is my brother's version. I kept my own hidden away. I don't want anyone wreaking havoc and destroying Teyvat now do we?

♔Chat (The Past):

What? You want to know what Spatz and Zhon'er were like before? Well, the only thing I can tell is that Zhon'er was quite the troublemaker when he was a child and Spatz... errr... Spatz was quite different from before and took his position as Archon very seriously. But after the Archon War had ended and there weren't any more threats lying around, he's quite a carefree spirit.

♔When it Rains:

This is quite unfortunate. Let's take shelter and hope that you won't get sick. Me? I hardly get sick so I should be fine. Come, I saw an inn not too far away from here.

♔After it Rains:

It has stopped. Finally. I quite dislike the rain. My brother, too, hated the rain. We never liked being wet and it's quite cold during rainy times. Especially in the past, it would feel like it was snowing when it rained.

♔When it snows:

ACHOO! Dammit. It's winder already? I wasn't able to visit Natlan and Sumeru yet. Traveler, are you willing to come with me next year? I'll visit those nations first before the others. I'll show you what those nations were like before.

♔When the wind is blowing:

Brrr! I swear Venti is trying to make me have a cold here. What? Oh... You see, my body temperature is already low since my position as the Death of Alchemy. My brother, however, has a quite warm body. So he always tries to cuddle up to me during summer times because of how naturally cold I am. Though the difference in our temperature is not really that much. Koumei is a little warmer than me, that's all.

♔Good Morning:

Traveler! How are you? You have eaten breakfast, haven't you? It's not good to skip breakfast, you know?

♔Good Afternoon:

Traveler! How about we go on a picnic for lunch? The food? Don't worry, I have already prepared it. Come!

♔Good Evening:

What are you doing out so late? Hmmm, what do you mean? Didn't you know? As soon as the sun sets, monsters will be more active at night and will eat you, you know?

♔Good Night:

Traveler, you should sleep now. Don't worry. I'll guard you if you're too scared to sleep out in the wild. Come on now. Sleep. If you wish, I'll sing you a lullaby.

♔About Kojutsu:

Do I know every alchemist in Teyvat? Of course not. But I can name a few that I have my own. Of course, they're not from the Agape Family. Do you know the person, Timaeus? If he keeps practicing this religiously, I might grant him a Blessing if I want to.

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