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[AN: I'm uploading this cause I just wanna and it's quite short anyway. So have this. Btw, if you're from my Tumblr, I'm thinking that Kojutsu would have a much deeper voice. Like Zhongli's voice but a bit deeper and more hoarse.]

»»————- ♔ ————-««

It took a while for Paimon and Aether to find the library but they managed to do it. Though they don't know how long they were looking for it and were not sure if it took a couple of minutes or hours even. Who knew this building could be so large on the inside? Is this the work of alchemy?

"How big do you think this place is?" Paimon asked.

"Not sure... Bigger than the Jade Chamber?" Aether guessed, scanning his surroundings in great detail. A couple of paintings adorned the marbled white walls, a few small pillars with unidentified objects on top. Aether had guessed it was one of those treasures of the gods. A bronze scale, an hourglass, and finally, a scroll. The two can't help but wonder what kind of power it holds. And guess it's in (YN)'s homes, it's in no doubt similar to alchemy. However, they can't intertwine the items towards alchemy. In fact, they couldn't at all.

The carpeted floor was neat and tidy, not a speck of dust that they could see. They can easily tell that the library was well kept from the mere sight of it. Not only that, the room was large --- larger than all the rooms Paimon and Aether had stumbled into. "This is definitely the work of alchemy..." Paimon said as she scanned the area around her. She was in awe as Aether was. Who wouldn't be? If anyone was to meet with the sight of the library, they would faint. Book lovers would envy the owner of this house. To have so many books in one room, they would easily lose track of time if they were in here.

"Lisa would like this place, right?" Paimon asked though she already knew what the answer was. Of course. Of course, Lisa would like this place. There is a reason why she was a librarian. And Aether and Paimon know how deserving she was of that position after their so-called date. Aether brushed up his finger against the spines of the book. Some of the books were thick and some were thin. Others were the right size. Perfect to hold in one of your hands with no struggle. All the covers of the book were leather, something that Aether seldom sees. Whether leather was expensive or scarce. Yet this world has so many books with leather covers. Some of their clothes are leather and even some of the decorations are made of leather. At such an affordable price too.

Aether couldn't help but be in awe. He's always in awe when it comes to this world. A mixture of the more advanced worlds he came across and towards the more fantasy-like. It's an amazing world. Spectacular even. Aether would come back and forth from Mondstadt to Liyue, he always finds something to gawk at. To be amazed at. And this library? Is one of those. Aether had visited many libraries in different worlds, yet, this one easily takes the first place. Aether doesn't' know why though. Something about this place feels a bit like home. A place that you would go to when you try to get rid of things off of your mind.

"Aether! Come look!" Hearing his name, the said male searched for wherever his companion may be. And in just a few feet away, Aether could see Paimon pointing to a certain book on a certain shelf. The shelf itself is ugly, per se. Unlike the ones that Aether had seen moments ago, this one is short; only a couple of inches taller than him. A few cobwebs here and there and the color of the shelf was darker. Much darker than the rest. It also had a grey-ish tint to it. An indication that it's older than the ones from before. 

Aether went to where his female companion had pointed, "How about..." Paimon hovered around, trying to see which book would be perfect to read. "This one!" Picking one book, she pulled it out from the shelf. Almost falling from the weight, Aether had caught her before she could. Grabbing the book from her hold. Opening it as soon it was in his possession.

»»————- ♡ ————-««

Long, long ago. A pair of twins had descended into the lands of Celestia. One had the compassion of their people who ruled over life and its command. The other had the penitence of their people who ruled over death and the magic they have bestowed on their people. Alchemy was the name of their magic. A magic that can create and destroy. In the twins' words; 

Alchemy can destroy what has created, repair what has destroyed, and transform what has repaired. "

Edited: July 2, 2021

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