Final Chapter

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(YN) woke up not too long ago and since then, he has been observing the arm bracelet that was on him. (YN) doesn't know or what this arm bracelet truly is. It wrapped around his hand, ring finger up until below his elbow. The white color was truly divine. The design looked akin to stem branches hugging (YN)'s arm tightly. Refusing to let go. A few leaves sprouted out. The cross on the top of his hand had branches all over it too. As if it was keeping it in place. A tiny green gemstone at the center of the cross. This arm bracelet was grand. Something that (YN) would never choose for himself. But one thing is for sure, he can't take it off. He can't destroy it with his powers either. It wouldn't melt and it wouldn't turn to dust. When (YN) tried to bend it, it stays put. Sighing, (YN) decided to leave it on. If this thing turns out to be another curse, at least he knows what books to go into and dispel it.

When the male was about to leave the bed, the door opened. Revealing Zhongli with his coat and vest. A tray in his hold with a tea set on it. "Kojutsu..." Zhongli muttered under his breath. Relief was evident in his voice. His tense shoulders relaxed and the frown on his was lifted to a smile. If one would squint their eyes, they would be able to see the tiny tears at the corner of Zhongli's eyes. (YN) pondered on how long he has been asleep for Zhongli to get this worried?

Zhongli put the tray on the nightstand, forcing him back (YN) to bed. "You're still hurt. It's better if you rest more." Zhongli tucked (YN). Covering the latter up to his chin with the blanket. "I will tell the others that you're awake and that they can leave now." (YN) raised an eyebrow. 

Did they not leave yet? What a troublesome bunch is what (YN) had thought.

(YN) shook his head, "No. It's better if I go see them," he said. Getting up from the bed but Zhongli refused to let the male get up. Which ends up with the two in a small argument whether Zhongli will just tell the others to leave or to have (YN) get up.

"Fine. Tell the others to come to my room. I want to talk to them," (YN) compromised. Which ended their small argument and Zhongli nodded in agreement. Soon leaving the room to get the others. Not after he hugged (YN) for a short moment. (YN) laid down on his bed, sighing as he did so. Creating a mirror with his powers, (YN) looked at his chest. The mark was no longer there. With how long the mark was there, (YN) wasn't used to seeing his chest without it. But it is his idea to not deal with it until now. If only he dealt it earlier, the monsters wouldn't have appeared. Destroying the mirror he created into dust, (YN) just waited for the others to come in.

A while later, the others along with Zhongli came in. (YN) sat up and Zhongli rearranged the pillows to support (YN). The latter wanted to knock Zhongli on the head and say that's he's fine but he can't do that now. And (YN) is sure that Zhongli is not taking any chances just in case something else happens. (YN) took a glance at each person and he can tell that they were still worried over him.

(YN) sighed once more, "I'm fine. I had a lot more fatal injuries during the Archon War. If this is enough for me to be bedridden, I would've died a long time ago," (YN) said. Wanting to ease at least a few of them but they only became more worried.

Especially Childe, "But that doesn't mean you can just waltz right into danger thinking that you won't get your head blown out," he said. Crossing his arms on his chest.

"To think that a Fatui would know how to feel sympathy. And here I thought you would be like your co-workers," Diluc commented. Wanting to applaud Childe for this but he refused to do so. Childe only scoffed at Diluc's statement. Wanting to rile the redhead up but he knows that Zhongli wouldn't want to tolerate his behavior as of now.

"Is there anything we could do to help, Sir (YN)? We are indebted to you and you have done more than enough than we could hope for," Jean asked. Ready to give the man anything. Riches, land, or even a title. Although noble titles nowadays are nothing more than decorations, people still see that it's an accomplishment to gain one. After all, titles are what people receive when they achieve extraordinary things. Even the title of a knight is remarkable.

(YN) shook his head, "It's fine. At least we are able to get rid of your problem and mine at the same time," he said. Raising his hand, a drawer opened at the other side of the room. Four compasses revealing themselves out of the drawer, flying towards Jean, Diluc, Childe, and Aether. "If you have any problem then you can come to me. And by problems, I meant not helping you with your training. I'm sure enough that you already know how to train without my guidance." Aether was the first one to grab his compass.

Unlike Venti's, his was a wheat-golden color. Almost akin to the sun shining up in the sky, or a field of golden wheat ready to harvest. "Woah..." Paimon gasped. Entranced by how captivating this compass is. The tiny female glanced at the other compasses and it turns out they have different designs also. Each designed by the one who holds it.

Jean's had dandelion designs on it and was a mixture of both green and blue. Diluc's had a noble aura and a phoenix design. The color was a deep shade of crimson. Childe had a rustic brown hue to it. A more sturdy design and was smaller than the others. Mayhaps it's due to his job that (YN) had created it smaller?

"Oh my! To think that (YN) would voluntarily give you these pesky compasses! I can still recall him cursing a man out when that person begged for one of these!" said Venti, eyeing each compass that they hold in their hands.

"If these compasses are so pesky, I hope that you won't mind giving back yours then?" Venti flinched. Not expecting (YN) to retort back to his statement.

"I take my statement back..."

Jean clutched hers tightly. Pulling it close to her, "I thank you for this, Sir (YN). Not only did you helped us with the monsters. But you still gave us this. I hope that we don't have to use this often if it gets harder," she said. Her words dipped in honey and sincerity. (YN) pondered on what the female would do if she wasn't the Acting Grand Master.

"The era of the gods are no more but that doesn't mean I won't help you, humans, with your problems. But I do admit that I'm not as active as I used to be ---"

"That's right!" Paimon chimed in. Flying out of the room before going back in. A small pouch in her hold. "This thing appeared when we were trying to transport you back here! Paimon doesn't know if this is important but Paimon thought that you might want this." Giving the pouch to (YN). The male opened it and he fished out a black pearl the size of a pebble. The lustrous black color shone and gleamed despite the lack of light. His whole figure froze on the spot. The others (apart from Zhongli) noticed this. But they didn't comment on it.

They could only wonder if this was something important to (YN).

"Thank you... for giving this to me." A smile adorned (YN)'s face. It wasn't small nor did it stretch from ear to ear. The expression on his face didn't shout joy or extreme emotion. More of a tranquil one. Relaxed.

They all exchanged a few more words before they all departed. Zhongli staying back to take care of (YN). Venti also wanted to stay back, however, (YN) told him to go along with them. Just to make sure that no monster was left alive.

»»————- ✼ ————-««

It was now night. The sky was decorated with twinkling stars and a glimmering white moon. (YN) went outside without Zhongli's notice. Sitting down on the ground, (YN) fished the tiny black pearl that he got from Paimon. Raising up in the sky, he used his powers to turn it into dust. The particles dancing away in the air.

Hearing footsteps behind him, (YN) glanced back. His eyes widened as his mouth went agape. Shakily standing up on his feet, (YN) wanted to run towards the figure. However, they were transparent. Similar to a ghost that he had seen centuries before.

"Koumei..." (YN) muttered under his breath. It's obvious how joyous (YN) sounded in that tiny whisper of his. Even ones without sharp hearing can say that he was overjoyed. Elated. Feeling like the man was over the moon.

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