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(YN) flew up. Dealing with the mysterious figure in the air as the others are trying to defeat the enemies down below. Jean and Diluc teaming up, with the male applying Pyro flames to a single enemy and Jean using her powers to spread it all over. Childe making some distance to himself and the monsters. Shooting the enemies with his bow, aiming right at the heart as to what (YN) had told him to. The two archons forcing the monsters head-on. Venti charging up multiple arrows at once and Zhongli slashing a crowd of the monsters with his spear. Easily taking their heads off. Meanwhile, Aether is separated from the others. With the amount of monster ganging up on him. Aether has to blow them off with Anemo and block a few of their attacks with Geo. 

Venti saw how Aether was having trouble in keeping the monsters at bay, he finally decided to help with his full power. Not that it's going to make a difference as he's weakened throughout the years. The tips of his hair glowing bright and his eyes shining as if their emeralds. Winds picking up their speed and Anemo gathering up in Venti's hands, forming a small ball. With how much Anemo had gathered, it turned a dark black color. Throwing it towards monsters that were ganging up on Aether, the ones in the way got sucked in. The small ball getting larger and larger. Soon it turned into a size that of a large boulder. Sucking all monsters within the vicinity.

If Jean, Aether, Diluc, and Zhongli stabbing their weapons on the ground they would've got sucked in. Dying in the process. Childe had to hold onto a tree and seeing that Paimon was getting sucked in, he grabbed her by the foot. Tucking her close to his chest and even making sure that she stays there as he rested his chin on top of her head. Not wanting the tiny female to die and have his friend crying over her death. Venti, however, was standing perfectly still. As if there wasn't some black hole trying to take all of their lives. A short while after, the black hole made out of Anemo disappeared. A good number --- a hefty amount really --- of the monsters had been killed. Blood covering the ground as well as pieces of rotting meat. Other than Venti, they were panting for air. Shocked at what Venti could actually do. Apart from Zhongli that is. They have heard of what Venti had done in the Archon War and to the mountains in Mondstadt. But to think that he's still this powerful yet being weakened. They could only ponder on how strong Venti actually is in his prime.

"I see that you still have your habit of throwing that thing anywhere you like," Zhongli said. Removing both his coat and vest (which, unbelievably had two tails at the front). Rolling up his sleeves. Letting the others see his arms. Glowing a hue of amber brightly up until his elbows, turning into shades darker than his hands. Golden lines adorned his arms, lines similar to that on the pillar that he summons.

They were in awe but they could only be in that state for a short while until another wave of monsters appeared. Soon enough, all of them went back into battle. Zhongli summoning a pillar under him, using it as leverage to jump high. Thrusting his spear down onto the ground, spikes made out of Geo emerging out the ground.

(YN) clashed his powers with the person. Even when not using his full powers, he can tell that the person is at par with him. Every single time that (YN) destroyed the person's attacks with his powers, another would appear. Leaving (YN) to destroy in the process of redirecting it towards the person. Luckily, he's still able to use his powers at a distance. Creating small blades that would leave tiny scrapes and wounds on the person.

Luckily for (YN), the person doesn't seem to be able to destroy his attacks at the same speed as creating his own attacks. With this, (YN) used this opportunity to overwhelm the person and get closer. His powers are not as great using long-ranged. The ones on the ground will get affected and probably die as (YN) carelessly using his powers. So he needs to get closer. As each second passes, (YN) is getting closer.

Reaching a preferable distance, (YN) created a ball made out of Pyro. Throwing it towards the person. But the latter was able to block it and got closer to (YN). Holding his palms out, a tiny white light had appeared in front of his palms before it turned into a beam. Intending to shoot (YN) right at the head but missed when the male god dodged. Grabbing the person's arm, (YN) threw the person to the ground but the person was able to flap their wings and made their way back into the air.

The two exchanged fists, taking a blow and dealing a hit. But each time their fists collided, the two would get knocked back. Having to close distance once more to deal a hit. And when the person accelerated their speed, (YN) was too late to react to do anything. Grabbing one of (YN)'s leather wings, it started to melt. (YN) held back his scream and grabbed the person's collar, slamming his forehead against theirs. (YN) had no time to heal his wing on his own and still a little bit weak since its the first time in centuries that he had to battle like this, (YN) grabbed the person's foot. Dragging them along with him down to the ground. Grabbing one of the person's wings, (YN) decided to melt it right off.

Kicking the person and punching them. Not letting the person get a moment of rest before flipping their positions. "Childe! Aim at his heart now!" The ginger male looked up, seeing that both (YN) and person are falling down. Jean and Diluc both saw what (YN) had told him to do, they made sure that none of the monsters are going towards Childe. Adrenaline pumping in their veins as they thought that this is going to be the end of this endless fight.

Childe charged up his bow with Hydro. Fixing his posture as to what (YN) would always tell him to do. Stand straight, shoulders straight, a tight grip, and making sure that he's shooting with his less dominant hand. Finally seeing the chance to shoot, he let go of his bowstring. Hoping that it would actually hit the heart. Not a millimeter to the right or to the left. Not even up or down. Downright at the center. The arrow flashed a sky blue color before it deepened its hue. Losing its glow when it pierced through the person's chest.

The two figures in the air soon dropped onto the ground with a loud SLAM. Creating a tiny crater around them. With (YN) on top of the person, he rolled over. Landing beside the person as he stared at the sky. The monsters immediately dropping to the ground as they turned into dust. Zhongli first approached (YN) and the person. Not caring if he's covered in blood or not, he grabbed (YN) and pulled him close. (YN) laid his head on Zhongli's shoulder, coughing up blood. Not expecting that it will impact him this much after a battle. But even though (YN) is coughing up blood, what got their attention is the wound on his chest.

Zhongli quickly removed (YN)'s top and inspected the wound. It didn't go all the way to the back but it was quite deep. Blood trickling down. The arrow that Childe shot had pierced through both the person and (YN). They didn't expect that it would end up like this but it did. Jean made her way towards (YN) and used her powers to heal him. Along with Zhongli doing the best he can to stop the bleeding. Even after the battle, they were fussing over what to do about (YN)'s injury. If it weren't for (YN) calming them down, they would have a heart attack on what to do.

"Shut yer trap!" All of them zipped their lips tight. "It's over, isn't it? So could you not fuss over my injury? It'll heal..." (YN) sat up straighter. Putting all of his weight against Zhongli.

"Aahhh!" Paimon shouted, pointing at (YN)'s right arm. They shifted their attention to (YN)'s right arm and saw that an arm bracelet had wrapped itself on it. A pure white color that rivaled against the exquisiteness that of a pearl. A cross forming on top of (YN)'s hand and the white metal slithered its way to (YN)'s ring finger like a snake. Wrapping itself around it.

"What is that?" Jean asked, wanting to touch it but is too scared that Zhongli might shout at her again.

"Please don't tell me that you added some sort of curse on that Fatui's bow to seal whatever that person was." Diluc hoped that it was not true. They are too indebted to this god and they don't know how to repay him anymore.

(YN) scoffed, "Of course not. It would be stupid of me to do that..." Taking a few deep breaths, (YN) noticed that his vision was getting dark. Even his hearing is getting muffled. 

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