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Taehyung's POV

I went to the garden for fresh air. I looked at the sky and sighed in relief, i felt like lara is hiding something. My all thoughts vanished when a petite hand wrapped around my torso. I smiled at the feeling. She started stroking my tummy,her hand traveled to my v line, i grabbed her hand just near my dick. I turned around and my doubt cleared. She was lara.
Tae: What do you think you're doing?
Lara: Don't you know what I am doing!.( She grabbed my coller and pulled me)
I yanked her hand.
Tae: Don't you dare come near me. I don't like sluts!
I went to my room and closed the doors. I heard clicking sound from bathroom's door. I know she's in there. She came with wet hairs. I went to her and grabbed a towel, i started to dry her hair. After some talk we went to our dreamland.

Next morning.

We're sitting in hall. i scanned that girl, what was her name, mika mila mina yeah mina. I stared at her, Pearcing hole in her head. Panther is talking with her as polite as possible. She didn't even said a word. It's frustrating.
Tae: when will you tell us??
Mina: Umm i am scared.
Tae: We're not gonna eat you alive. Just tell us. Then we'll help you.
Mina: you're scary.
Tae: WHAT!
Panther: Tae! Shhh.. Lemme talk okay!Mina please tell us, whatever you know just tell us okay.
She nodded lightly.
Mina: Mr.Lee, everything is handled by him. He sell and purchase us. He even kidnapped some female artist and sold them to several Mafias. I-i i went to his house one time. He is really scary un un uniee. I don't want to go there.
Panther: Do you know the way to his house.
Mina: N-no.unnie. they blind fold us.
Mina: B-But i know the auction place. When they kidnapped me i was awake after some time. And Mr. Lee went there several times. I saw him alot of times.
Panther: Wait you saw him.
She nodded.
Tae: can you help us in making his sketch.
She nodded.
Panther: you can go to your room
She went to her room silently.
Panther: Rain call sketch artist.and make sure we get  the right face.
She nodded and went to her work. We all went to training area,we complete our daily training. I was in the music room playing violin. Panther was searching some people on the laptop, she glanced me sometime and again she's on her phone. I forced her to play something. She played her flute. We stayed there for sometimes.

End of the POV

James Pov
I was waiting for him. Well, he's one of the agent without face like panther. I found out that he knows about the killer. I was wondering if he's a scam or not but i have to meet him. As i was lost i felt someone in front of me.
I looked at him and Smirked. His face was pale. He had dyed his hair in black. He's in his above 50. His Sinister smile creeping me out. He extended his hand to me for a offical handshake.
??: Andrew my name is Andrew. And i know about Mr.Lee.
James: Don't you think Andrew name is bit cool for a old age guy like you.
Andrew: Well james is much cooler than Andrew.
James: I think we're are for work. Now spill the tea.
Andrew: I know his auction centres. I can took you there. And one secret,( He leaned a little and whispered) we're little close. I can get close to him if you want.
James: Show me your ID.( He took out his ID from his coat, I checked it and it was real)
James: Okay. I'll set a meeting with panther. She's handling this case.
He nodded.
James: I'll call you. ( He smirked and left)

End of the POV

Panther's POV

I enjoyed alot today. we played our favorite instruments. This is really good for mental health. His company always makes me happy. I don't feel distracted. He's my safe place. May be love is important in life. Life is incomplete without love. I smiled at my thoughts. Rain came to my room with a proud smile. I smiled at her widely. She gave me a confused look. I tighten my lips
Rain: Why are you smiling unnie.
Panther: nothing! Tell me why are you here?
Rain: O this is his face. Mr.Lee. ( he placed his sketch on table)
I looked at his picture and memorize his details.
Panther: Search his identity. Circulate this picture in our private groups. And make sure it'll handle only by us.
She nodded and gave me another list.
Rain: This is his private auction center. Should we attack first.
I nodded,which makes her smile drop. I know she don't like killing and fighting. I patted her hair.
Panther: Everything will be fine. And jungkook is going with me this time. He's a good fighter. So think i should use him.
She nodded again and turned around.
Panther: You like him,don't you?
She turned with wide eyes.
Panther: I knew it from the start. You were not that quiet.
Rain: Unnie plz don't kill him. I'll do whatever you want.
Panther: yaah! What do you think of me. I'm not a monster and i like him too..
Panther: I mean he's a nice guy. i like his daring nature.
Rain: You're okay with our relationship.
I nodded and she hugged me, squizzing me like hell. I laughed and she left for work.

I went to the hall and called a meeting. I explained my plan and i took jungkook, jimin, Taehyung, and Rm with me. Their fighting skills are good and i need to make sure everything will fine. I made two groups one is my guards,who are going to the other auctions center. And second one is us. I left some guards and other members home. Just in case if something happens they'll handle it. Mr. Lee is the only key which can make this thing clear.

 Lee is the only key which can make this thing clear

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