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Taehyung's POV
We all arrived to his mansion. His house was as beautiful as Panther's house. We all went to our respective rooms. everyone was quite injured. Everything was right till one week,when Andrew came and told us,mr.lee is coming to xxxx auction center. We was happy because finally we're going to arrest him. Panther and Andrew was making their strategy. I was little jealous because he always stare at my lady. Mr.lee was hiding from a long time,After the last attack.This is our next chance. Now, we all gathered in Andrew's discussion room.
Panther: We'll split in groups. Andrew do you know where is his vip room.
He nodded.
Andrew: I'll clear everything. I'll make him drunk. And after that I'll inform you.
Panther: we'll do it tonight then.
All: Okay!!
Panther: Suga and jin is not allowed.
Suga and jin: Aah wae.
Panther: you both are should rest here. Rain will look after you.
Suga: I can fight.
Rain: You're still recovering.
Jin: I'm fine I'll come with you.
Panther: You all were supposed to stay here but I'm tagging you all along with us. I was hired to protect you not to involve you in this. I know you all can fight now but there is still some things that you don't know. Please guys try to understand.

She sighed and dashed to her room.
Andrew: okay guys. Let's wait till tonight.
We left the room. I walked towards our room with a heavy heart. A tint of hurt was visible in her eyes, I'm afraid what will she ask me when i face her. I don't know why she's behaving like this, does she not love me anymore,or this mission is going to end soon, maybe she'll leave me. No, no, this could't be happen. I shrugged all thoughts off and pushed the door. She was looking outside the window. Her back was facing me,like the first time i saw her. I saw that cold look on her face,i gulped and went to her i placed my hand on her shoulder, she flinched.

She turned around, my eyes met with her glossy eyes, fresh tears was about to come out, i wrapped my arms around her and hugged her tightly. She was sobbing,she clenched my shirt tightly like she's afraid of something. I caressed her back, whispered sweet nothing's in her ear. She calmed down after some time. I made her sit down.
Tae: Why are you crying baby?
She shook her head and wiped her tears by her sleeves.
Tae: C'mon tell me.
Panther: I don't know,what will happen tonight. I'm just worried. I was assigned to protect you but i failed. You all are doing this mission with us,you all are not professional assassi-
Tae: Hey! Everything will be alright okay.
I hugged her in a soothing manner.
At The auction center
Currently we were sitting in the van waiting for Andrew for signal. He was inside, mr. Lee is with him. After some time, he signalled us to come in we wore our mask and went in. We fought with some guards. We surrounded the VIP room. Panther went in and we followed her.
Mr. Lee: Ohh so you came here. Wait you took them with you. How foolish.
Taehyung: shut up okay. Now tell us why you want to kill us.
Mr. Lee: why should I tell you huh? ( Andrew went to him and grabbed his collar)
Andrew: Fucking spill the tea.
Mr. Lee: snakes shouldn't talk.
Andrew punched straight in his face.
Panther: Fuck it.( She pointed her gun towards him suddenly we heard some footsteps. Alot of guards came in with a man,i was making myself ready for fight untill i heard a faint whisper.
Lucas:did you miss me baby?
Panther: don't you dare ( i can see rage in her eyes)
Lucas: I'm not talking to you sweetheart.( He started to walk towards panther, nitzy pointed her gun at him)
Nitzy: if you dare to do anything I'll not think twice before blowing your head.
Lucas: oooh fiesty huh!. I remember when we became wild in bed.
Nitzy: SHUT UP. ( she pulled the trigger. And the guards started firing towards us. We all fired at them as fast as i can.)

Jimin's pov
Suddenly the guards started firing,we took our guns and mirrored them. I saw nitzy filling her gun, the guy who were talking nonsense grabbed his gun and pointed it at nitzy i, she was fighting with other guy, before he pulled the trigger i dashed towards her, i hugged her, i felt huge pain in the side of my stomach, we both fell on the floor. She pulled herself up, she looked panicked,soon tears started to flow from her eyes. I touched her cheek and smiled. She took my gun and shot that guy until the gun is empty. She held me close. And everything went black.

Panther's POV
I was fighting with the guards, they were stopping me from shooting mr. Lee. I was into fighting until i heard a loud scream of my best friend. I freed myself from guards. I was processing the whole situation but nitzy took her gun and fired all her bullets in Lucas's chest. I took this opportunity and fired towards Mr.lee, his body fell on floor.
Everyone rushed towards jimin who was laying on nitzy's lap,breathing heavily. Andrew carried him and rushed towards car.

he took him to the hospital, everyone was insisting that they want to come but i managed to send them home. I was sitting impatiently in front of OT. Nitzy was staring at wall as her tears are coming without her will. I caressed her back. She looked down and i could see her tears are dropping on floor. Andrew is walking back and forth in front of OT. I was wondering why he was helping us too much. Time was passing slowly, i was feeling dizzy, my wounds are treated.The OT bulbs turned green,a doctor came towards us, "he's out of danger but we have to wait till he wake up, until then we can't tell you about anything. Everything will be fine don't stress yourself,we did our best" he said with a warm smile on his face, Andrew went with him for formalities. Nurse shifted him to VIP room. Nitzy went to jimin, she sat beside him,i watched them in guilt.

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