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Taehyung's POV
I was beyond happy,she told us that we can go with her. She taught us some code language which we can use in emergency. She took out bulletproof vest and placed it on table. She told us how we can Manage alot of weapons in the vest. After that we eat our dinner and went to the training room. We wore our vest and took our weapons. Everyone was in hurry. Sun had settled down and the darkness covered the sky making it more creepy. I looked at her she was checking JIMIN'S vest. After few seconds she came towards me,she checked my vest and placed a pocket knife in a small pocket.
I stared at her confused.
Panther: you should take more knifes with you. It'll help you in emergency.
I nodded and hugged her. The vest making it hard for us. We stayed still,we broked hug when we heard cooed sound from the other corner of room. I sighed and gave them what the fuck look.
We went their Auction place. We split in two groups. Panther and nitzy was covering us. We were in the basement. We went in and saw alot of girls was tied up with chains. We released them. One of their gaurd came in i knocked him out in one abdomen punch. Panther looked at him and then me. I Smirked she rolled her eyes. Our guards took girls out of the palace. We heard some screams. We went up and saw our guards were on floor. I gripped my gun tightly. Suddenly a voice is heard. A man came in light.
??: Look who's here. Agent with idols. Aigoo.
Tae: Shut the fuck up
??: Wow i remember this voice. Are you kim Taehyung!( I was shocked because our face was covered with mask)
Jk: I know we're famous. Now stop and hand on you head, on knees now.
Panther: Eh? Wait who the hell are you. And how do you know we're agent.
He just Smirked and clapped four times.
Alot of guards came in. Now I'm scared. I looked at them and noted it in my head.
Jimin: do you think we're scared huh? ( This bitch is flexing now)
??: No you shorty guy..let me tell you one thing. Listen girl give them to us and I'll let you go from here safe and sound.
Rm: We're not a thing. That you want. And let me tell you one thing we're much more than you think. So don't think we're just idols.
Panther: Where is mr.lee
??: ohh he's maybe at his mistress house. He's having fun right now.
Tae: disgusting. Just tell us where he's.
He smirked and his guards started firing towards us. We took our guns and started fire. We used some tables as our cover. I fought with my all strength,alot of gaurd is dead. Panther was fighting with the unknown guy. Suddenly some guards came and held her, they pinned her to the ground. The unknown guy took out his gun and pointed it towards her. She kicked the gun from his free leg,she faught with the guards. I was fighting with two guards at one time. I was killing with my knife. Jk was beating a man mercilessly. Everyone is fighting. I saw that unknown guy took this chance and pointed his guns towards panther i dashed to her but i shot sounds is heard. I looked at the person who shot the unknown guy. He was standing there. The unknown guy fell on his knees. Everything stopped.  I looked around and saw that their guards are on floor lifeless. I let out a breath. Panther was looking at that man. He's old guy but alot of charisma. His presence is dangerous. He didn't break eye contact with panther. She broke the silence.
Panther: Who are you?
??:Hii. You're panther. Right? ( He smirked)
She pointed her gun towards him.
??: Woah woah girl. I'm Andrew. And I'm agent like you. James told me about this mission. And i have some information, it'll help you, maybe.
Panther: Show your ID.
Andrew: Are you dumb. Who carry ID on mission like this.(he mocked her. Now i wanna punch his face)
Tae: Hey you uncle. Talk politely with her.
He frowned but straighten his face.
Panther: let's go guys. And you uncle. I'll talk with James about you.
We came out from the palace. We sat in our car.looking at them, I clenched my jaw. Panther is talking with the andro, andrwa, Andrew yeah. He suddenly hugged her. I clenched my fist, digging my nails in my palm.i shouldn't be jealous about it, because he's just a old dick but still.

End of the POV

Panther's POV

We went out from the auction area. I called James and asked him about Andrew. He said he's clear. He sent me his ID. I scanned him and he was smirking. I hang up the call and turn to face him.
Andrew: Now you believe.
Panther: okay! You can come tomorrow at my mansion. We'll discuss there.
He smiled widely and hugged. I startled because of his action.i pushed his a little.
Andrew: I'm sorry it was just a friendly are my daughter's age.
I smiled and left him there. I sat in next to taehyung. He was looking outside,his face was bruised,i touched his cheek he yanked my hand. I frowned a little and let him be. We went to home. Yeah now i call it home. Because their presence made it home.y smile dropped when i heard screams and groanings. I went in and saw other members was beating some guys. We went to them and fired. My living room was filled with dead bodies. I sighed and called the cleaners. They did their work.. Other members was injured,we treated each other and went to our room. Taehyung was lying on the bed,staring at the ceiling. I smiled and hopped in he looked away. I cupped his face and pecked his lips. He just wiped it.
Panther: What's wrong?
Tae: go and ask that old guy.
I laughed and he glared at me.
Panther: So taetae is jealous.
Tae: No I'm not jealous.
Panther: yes you're. Look at you,aww Tomato. ( I laughed)
He pinned me and Smirked
Tae: Now tell me who is Tomato right now.
Panther: T-T-Taehyung
Tae: Yes kitten.( He whispered in deep velvety voice. I shivered under him)
Panther: I--- was just joking. Leave me baby. We're tired right. Let's sleep.
Tae: No one will sleep tonight.
He smashed his lips on mine. And We did sinful mistake. The pain turned into bliss. I adore this man, i smiled and looked at his sleepy naked figure. I brushed his hair from his eyes. I pecked his forehead and went to sleep.

 I pecked his forehead and went to sleep

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