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Nitzy POV

How the fuck that brat was there. Wait music room. I went there and tried to opened door but it's locked. I went to the next room, nobody knows about the rooms connections and the secret doors except me and panther. I went to the wall and slightly pushed the painting. The wall shifted and gave me space to get in music room. I went in and stood there dumbfounded. Rain and jungkook kissing each other. I leaned a little to the wall and watched this show. They are eating each other face. I took out my cigarette and started to smoke. I Smirked and saw jk's hand traveled in her shirt. I think it's enough.

Nitzy: Are you both going to fuck here.

They both startled by my voice and backed away. I Smirked and blow the puff. Rain started to fix her clothes, jungkook Just glared at me i can see they're hell a embarrassed.

Rain:Umm unnie i -i just-

Jk:Yeah we were going to fuck here but you interpreted us.

I scoffed

Nitzy: Rain i think you should stay away from that brat. I want you explain this later.( I went to the door and looked at her)

Nitzy: And panther and Taehyung is fine. They're together. Rain Come with me.

Rain: O-Okay.

We went to my room. I think i should not tell that to panther. She'll be worried. I looked at her she's  looking down.I smiled at her.

Nitzy: I won't tell panther about this,now explain.

Rain: I-i love him. And he loves me too.

I sighed.

Nitzy: Okay. But if he do something wrong I'll beat his ass.

She smiled and hugged me i hugged her back and went to find the location of Mr. Lee 

End of the POV

Taehyung's POV

I admired her beautiful face. I looked at her hand which is clenched my shirt,her fist looking very tiny. I took her  hand in mine and compared it with my hand. A smile crept on my face because of her small hand. Everytime i see her i wanted to protect her,i pecked her head and freed myself from her grip,i placed a pillow beside her. I went to the kitchen and started to cook japchae and ramyeon, I don't know how to cook alot of dishes but this is the one which i can cook perfectly.  Few moments later,I placed the dishes on table. My back was facing the table as i was searching for something i heard some shuffling behind me. I turned around and saw my angel rubbing her eyes. I smiled at her cuteness. She settled on the dinning table and looked at me.

Panther: Thnks for the dinner.

Taehyung: everything for you. (I kissed her hand and she blushed)

Panther: I didn't ask you before are you okay? Did you get hurt?

Taehyung: No I'm fine. How are you feeling?

Panther: little better.

Taehyung: You know what i was scared when i saw you unconscious on the floor.

Panther: You shouldn't be worried about me. I'm nobody for me.

Taehyung: You are my everything. ( I was mad. I washed my dishes and went to our room)

I grabbed my towel and went to the bathroom. After my bath i went out with towel around my waist. I saw panther struggling in wearing her t shirt. Her arm was in mid air. I went to her and made her wear t-shirt carefully. She looked at me for few seconds and said "i want to change this t-shirt. I was going for the bath" I smiled and removed her t-shirt and looked at her. She was staring at my chest her eyes traveled to my tummy she smiled a little but hide it. She looked at me im my eyes. I can't control this. I held her neck and kissed her she wrapped her arms around my naked shoulder i pushed her on bed and kissed her passionately. She tapped my shoulder. I backed away and stared at her face. She smiled and asked "do you love me"
I pecked her lips and said " you don't know how fucking much i love you. You always pushed me away. Do you love me?"   She looked at me for few seconds and sighed. She smiled and said"I do. And sorry for pushing you away. I love you kim Taehyung" i kissed her again,I kissed her jaw, neck. I kissed her collarbone and she moaned." Will you leave me after this mission. Will you forget me after all of this."  I looked at her,tears were coming out from her eyes, I wiped her tears and said " I'll never forget you. I want you beside me in my good and bad times. I want to wake up next to you in my whole life. Will you be mine forever"

She held my neck and kissed me with all her love. My hand roamed all over her body, she gasped i took this chance and entered my tongue. Our tongue was fighting for dominance,she let me win ,I Smirked and started to kiss her neck. My hand stopped on her bra strap I looked at her and asked "may i" she nodded,i opened her bra and threw it on floor, I can hear her heart beat which was in mess. Sucking on every part of her breasts and leaving my art , I kissed her jaw. I went to kiss her tummy but i stopped, frowned covered my face. She looked at me amd said in low voice" My body is not beautiful like other girls. These scars, I'm nothing in front of you. You deserve a beautiful lady Taehyung. I think we should no--"  i cut her words " You're beautiful. But why do you have fine abs. I want that too."   I pouted and she laughed which is music to my ears but i want to hear her moans. I grabbed her wrist hand pinned them above her head, She looked at me with shocked expression. I placed my and on her jeans button, i looked at her for her consent she nodded,i removed her pants and threw them along with her underwear. She immediately covered her body. I unwrapped the towel,her eyes widened in shock, i Smirked and kissed her again.

End of the POV

Panther's POV

I was staring at his shaft i was shocked he kissed me to distract me. I was played with my self before but this feeling is foreign for me. He kissed me  with more Passion and love, suddenly i felt sting pain between my legs. I screamed in pain.

Tae: Fuck panther you're so tight. Are you Virgin?

Panther: Y-yeah! ( I was breathing heavily) T-T- Taehyung look at me. ( He looked at me ) I want you moan my name. Y/N

He smiled and kissed me

Tae:I love you Y/N.

I smiled ,he started his pace.

The room filled with groans and moans. I didn't felt this feeling before. I  saw sweat on his head. I placed my hand on his shoulder but he pinned them above my head. I haven't seen this side of him. He's looking sexy. I know he's dominating me. But I'm submissive just for him. This is our blissful sin which i want to repeat again and again with him. After some time i felt familiar knot inside my stomach i cummed on his dick. I moaned out loud. His pace slowed down he cummed in me, my eyes widened , I looked at him with shocked look.

Y/N: Yo--

Tae: I'm on pill.

Y/N: oh okay wait What?( He laughed and laid beside me, pulling me closer)

Tae: No one gets pregnant after one time. Relax.

Y/N: What if i get pregnant.

Tae: Let's go take a another bath( he ignored my question and carried me in bridal style)

"The biggest and most important reason in the world is to be together with someone in a way that makes life a little less bleak and solitary and lonesome. To exchange the I for We. In the biggest sense of the word, it's cold outside. And kindness and affection and gentleness build a nice warm fire inside"

 And kindness and affection and gentleness build a nice warm fire inside"

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To be continued.

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