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Panther's POV

I was driving silently. My heads was spinning, i Harden my grip on steering wheel. I reached to Andrew's bunglow. My heart dropped, our guards was on floor lifeless. I rushed and parked my car, i grabbed my gun in defencive position. I took slow steps and went in. Whole area was a mess. I pass by dead bodies and checked every single room including basement.

I went to the kitchen and saw a sticky note on fridge. I immediately rip it of from fridge and read it.

"If you want to save them come to ×××× place. I'm waiting my daughter.
your dad."

My dad, what is happening. I am an orphan, How is this even possible. This is not the time for thinking, I should make a move. I took my phone and went out of the bunglow. I prepared my whole plan. And went for meet my so called dad.
I grabbed a gun and went in, two guards stopped me on the main door. They took my gun and step aside to let me go inside.but my pocket knife is still with me.i went in and saw everyone on floor tied. I took some steps towards them, but a voice stopped me in my tracks. "you look scared Panther. oops my daughter" I know this voice, i turned and saw a man sitting on a huge sofa. His body shape make it confirmed. "Andrew" i mumbled in my breath. How could he. I felt nothing but betrayal.
I took step towards him but he ordered his man, and his man came with rain, who was struggling in his filthy hands. I stopped and cursed. This was so confusing i looked at my right, where the love of my life is looking at me with pain and fear, on my left my sister is in trouble.
I sighed and looked up "What do you want" I asked in stern tone.
He laughed and said " do you want to know what happened sweetie?"

how can he be my father?

she clapped and the whole room was lit up. I looked at his face and felt disgust. In this whole time he never rolled his sleeves up,but now he is in white shirt, sleeves rolled up, His tattoo caught my eyes. I clenched my fist in anger as memories came in my mind. He was the one who killed her!

"Your mother was a beautiful women, everyone could easily fall for her. You exactly look like her.Thick long hair, beautiful features, but you are bad like me. you killed alot of people like me. you adopted it from me. You're fearless like me. Your mom was right about you, she said to me that you'll become strong and powerful. And look at you now.
The owner of that orphanage, was your mother. I slept with her and left her. she gave birth to you, i wanted her to abort you but she insisted me to keep you. She took care of other kids too. But my work was not to be angel for those orphan kids. Helping someone doesn't make money.
That time i was not that rich, I sold the girls of orphanage. She fought with me, she begged me to leave them alone. But i had to do that. I wanted to rule the world. I threatened her, if she didn't allow me to do that, i will kill you,And i won. She stayed quiet, like a ragged doll. She was so innocent.
Then one day, when there were no kids left, i tried to take you with me. But that bitch came in my way and i killed her. You were nowhere to be seen.
where did she hide you that time??
well she did well that time. you're more useful now. think about it my daughter we can rule the world are the queen and I'm king of smuggling. we can rule the world easily. My kid!"


This man killed my mother. He wants me to work with him. Never. She raped her infront of me. I would like to die rather than working with him. "Why do you want to kill them?" i pointed towards Others.
i said in high pitched tone.
"I had another daughter, who was obsessed with music. she wanted to be like them. She gave auditions to many companies, but got rejected. She was a mess that time. And one day she hanged herself and died. I want them to feel same pain, which my daughter felt. She was my everything" He said and sighed. "what was i for you?" i said out of curiosity. "you were my mistake, but after i got matured i realised that you deserve same love which i gave your sister." he stands up and came towards me, i stepped back. He caressed my cheek "stay with me daughter, we can be good team"
"Leave them, I'll work with y--. " NO, You'll not work with him" Taehyung shouted from the corner. "Can you shut up. I'm talking. Stay there." He looked at me for few seconds. I tried to make him understand the situation and he nodded little. " You changed, you loved me Y/N. how can you do that." I smirked and played along. " I met my dad, I don't need anyone anymore." he just scoffed. " Leave them dad. set them free." he touched his chin and looked at me. he ordered guards and they untied them. Rain came towards me and hugged me,my heart melted in her warm embrace, i can't be weak now, i pushed her, she looked at me with confused expression. "you're on your own now. go and settle everything"

"Get everyone out of here" i wiped her tears, her cheek is red because of torture, i made a mental note to kill that person who touched her. "No we can't leave you here, this man can kill you unnie" i just sighed. " please go" she looked at me and nodded. everyone started to go towards gate, i stand beside Andrew. He was smirking. I looked up and saw Taehyung glaring at him. i was looking at him until jungkook grabbed a gun from guard's waist and shoot him. I was shocked, this brat ruined my plan again. damn you jungkook. They soon got alert and fought with guards. Andrew turned around to only get punched by me. This was due from long time. I took my knife and stabbed his hand. Taehyung was shooting, he passed me a gun and i started to fight. I grabbed rain's hand and dodged some guards. i went to jungkook, He was panting heavily. " listen, take care of her please. get her out of here." he looked at me "But you need me here" he said in one go. " your duty is to take care of her, please jungkook get her out of here" he nodded and went outside with rain.
I looked at them and started to fight with them. i looked around and saw we're winning. I grinned, this is end. We can live happily,i can spend my life with Taehyung. I was smiling But someone pushed me i landed on my butt. I looked at the person, my heart dropped. Taehyung was holding his chest,blood was oozing out from his chest. i turned my gaze and saw Andrew holding his gun with smirk on his face.
"Taehyung" i screamed and dashed towards him.
I embrace him. He was breathing heavily, he touched my cheek and smiled. Andrew tried to shot me again but james came in with cops, James shot him on the spot.
"y-y/n" I stared at his face. "ssh you'll be fine" he smiled and hold my hand.

"I love you my lady Panther" He smiled and closed his eyes.

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