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Panther's POV
Everyone is focused in the room. I'm so worried about jungkook.I hope he's fine wherever he's but I can't assume.What if i failed this mission. I don't know what will happen if something happens with Jungkook.My eyes stopped when i saw tae's worried eyes looking straight at me.He gave me a assured smile.That made me relax i nodded..

Rain:BINGOOO! Here unnie..××××× warehouse.. He's there.

Nitzy:You sure?

Rain:yeah!!his location is there..

Panther:Okay nitzy now listen carefully.Get the guards ready for this I'll go first Inside and if i smell something wrong I'll call you and you've to be there near that warehouse.I want you to select some good gaurds. Understood?

Nitzy:Yeah!! let's go th-

Tae and jimin: I'm coming with you(they both looked at each other)

Tae and jimin: we're coming with you!!

Nitzy:well they can come they're good in fighting and now they're skilled too!!

Panther:No.. I can't lose them.I know you both can fight but still i can't risk your life. I've to make sure that everyone one is safe.(they nodded their head)

Nitzy:okay then let's go..we are leaving in half an hour..

Everyone started to leave..
And i just stand there lost in my thoughts until i felt someone hugging me..i looked at the person..

Panther:Tae, rose is still here (i whispered as i glanced at rose. She's so busy in computer)

Tae: I'm worried about you.. Plz let me come with you(he snuggled in my neck)

Panther:do you trust me..Do you want me come back alive?

Tae:I do and i know you'll come alive here safe and sound.

Panther: I'll make sure that I'll find him.

Tae:This time I'm letting you go alone.(he caressed my cheek and kissed my lips softly i was shocked coz of  his action.I kissed him back slowly he backed away as we looked at each other eyes)

Tae: Don't die!
Panther:okay si-

Rain:Ahm ahm..(she cleared her throat)

Rain: should i leave.By the way i like him.You can date him unnie..

Panther:I thought you're busy.

Rain:i was busy watching a romantic scene here!(she Smirked)

Tae: Rain meet my girlfriend lady panther.

I looked at him in disgust and went to weapon room.
End of the pov

Nitzy Pov.
I select best guards. We were packing our stuff which was important..
I looked at panther she was hiding her weapons in her outfit..she looked very worried.

Nitzy:babe why are you so worried??

Panther:huh??no I'm not I'm just---

Guard: ma'am time to leave..

We both sighed and nodded we said goodbye to everyone and rain connected with us as we went into our van and leaved for our destination..

We parked our car near that warehouse.

Panther: I'm going Inside first. Oky.
We nodded and closed the door.
End of the pov.

Jungkook Pov.

I slowly opened my eyes I'm still in that head still hurts. I looked around and saw nobody is here my hand are tied..

I went to door and heard some foot steps. I backed away from the door suddenly the door opened and i saw panther there all in black outfit with a high tech gun.i was about to open my mouth but she signed me to not say anything..i guess she's here for rescuing me. She untied my hands and i sighed in relief as we about to go some gaurds went inside and they surrounded us and then that fucking old man came inside..

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