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Panther: I said get out!!

Tae: w-why??

Panther: I don't want to show you my scars now get out! (She turned around and started to wipe dry blood from her hand)

Nitzy: lemme help you!

Tae: I'll help you.

Panther: Are you deaf I don't want your help Taehyung please leave me alone. I don't want to talk with anyone.

Tae: Why are you behaving like this. Lemme help you!( I grabbed the wet towel from her grasp and started to clean her arm she looked at me silently)

Tae: I know I'm handsome and you are allowed to admire this art.( I winked at her)

Panther: I know. And you're allowed to clean my wound.

Tae: Then why did you said 'get out'?

Panther: I just love my carpet and I don't want anyone to ruin it..

Tae: Because of your words I'm hurt.( I said with poker face)

Panther: Don't be like that okay. I'll not say sorry to anyone. Are you done I'm feeling tired.( I smiled and placed the towel aside)

Nitzy: If you guyz done ignoring me so can i stitch her wound..( she glared at me i chuckled and gave her space to stitch her wound)

Panther: We didn't ignore you. We just thought you're invisible.( She looked at me and smiled)

Tae: Okay I'll be right Back . Just don't lock your doors and tell your guards not to stop me.( I pecked her cheek and dashed to my room)

End of the POV

Nitzy POV

I stitched her wound and looked at her she was smiling like a fool.. I pinched the needle with more force but she was still smiling.

Nitzy: Someone is in love.

Panther: huh??

Nitzy: I'm talking to you miss!

Panther: It's nothing.

Nitzy: You know what you can hide your feelings from yourself but not me. I know you more than you know yourself. Do you like him?

Panther: I don't know Nitzy. Seriously but whenever he come towards me i felt like home but I'm scared you know the reason right! I don't want to get hurt. I'm scared if i confess my love and he left me after this mission. I'm scared to fall in love with him. I don't deserve him he's just too perfect and I'm nothing.

Nitzy: You know what just fuck him and enjoy!( She slapped my arm and i laughed)

Nitzy: I understand your feelings. I'm on this track too. But babe i saw love in his eyes for you. He cares about you i saw that when he was about to fight with gaurd. Give him a chance. Open up your feelings. I saw alot of guys drooling over you but you didn't give a fuck about them. Just go with the flow.  And if he leaves you I'll beat his ass for sure.

Panther: yeah! Hey did you talked with jimin.

Nitzy: yeah! I did. not alot but little bit. He's a nice guy.

( I placed my hand of her hand and smiled.we look at each other's eyes for few seconds)

Panther: You know I'm straight!( We burst out in laughing like there's no tomorrow)

Nitzy: I can see you're changing. I was missing my best friend.

Panther: yaah! You should call me love!!

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