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Panther's POV

I smiled to myself and went to our investigation room. There i met frustrated rain. I went to her and asked

Panther: wht happened. Did you find the location?

Rain: No they're changing it in very little time. Look they changed 50 location in 24 hours

Panther: we can check the place by CCTV

Rain: It'll take Alot of time uniie.. If you want me to hack whole city's cameras you should give me more time but there are alot of places here Where is no camera fixed.

I hummed in annoyed tone.


I watched every move on cctv but nothing is look suspicious. a call from james. I answered the call

James: Panther,Henry is in the hospital. I gave him that device and he's badly injured his health is critical now. And and we lost that device.( He complete his sentence one breath)

I became frozen on my spot. That device was important for us but my teammates are more important.

Panther: Is he conscious.?

James: Not yet. But doctors said he's out of danger now. He got attacked because of the device.

Panther: I want that device james. How can i find that.

James: don't worry i fixed tracker on it i can still track it. The device is in daegu. And I'll give you the exact location.

Panther: okay then I'll get that device. I'm leaving tomorrow.

Rain looked worried i cut the call and smiled at her.

Panther: Everything will be fine.

Rain: But you're already injured unnie. You're still not able to move your hand properly.

Panther: Don't worry okay. And plz don't tell anyone i mean Taehyung.

Rain: Ohh okay..

End of the POV

Rain's Pov

I was lost in thought but suddenly a hand grasp my wrist and  took me in a room and i saw the person and sighed.

Jk: What's the matter.

Rain: nothing.( He caressed my cheek)

Jk: Hey tell me. I can't see you like this. Everyone can say you're worried about something. Now tell me.

Rain: I'm worried about unnie. She's going to get the device alone. And i want her to get her. Her one hand is already injured. I can't lose her.( A tear escaped from my eye)

Jk: shh shh do you want me go with her. I can protect her.( I shook my head )

Jk: Then what do you want huh?

Rain: Nothing i know she'll be fine.( I smiled at him)

He pecked my lips and then forehead. I hugged him and which calmed me enough.

Jk: I'll do what i think is right!!

I nodded.

End of the POV.

Jungkook's Pov

I left rain in the kitchen and I went to Panther's room to talk with her to take me with her. I knocked two times. Nobody answered i slightly push the doors and saw Taehyung lying on her bed. He was so into his phone. He didn't acknowledge my presence. I snatched the phone from his grip. He glared at me and i smiled to my lovely hyung.

Tae: What the fuck is this behaviour jungkook.

Jk: why are you so angry i just snatched your phone it's not a big deal.

Tae: just give it to me.

Jk: no.(I looked at his phone and saw pictures of panther. She looks beautiful. I can say he clicked this without her consent. But all pictures look adorable. I swipe and found her picture while sleeping. He snatched the phone from my grasp.)

Tae: Done. Admiring. Now you can leave.

Jk: Hyung i want to tell you something.

Tae: what?

Jk: where's is panther?

Tae: Why you want to know about her. She's not here?( I can smell jealousy here)

Jk: That's good i want to tell you that panther is going on a mission tommorow. Alone. I want to help her. I came here to ask her. Bro she's injured and still going alone i feel like helping her.. but rain said she's not allowing anyone.

Tae: Thanks. I think I've a plan. (He smirked and told me his plans which i agreed)

End of the POV.

Taehyung's POV

We ate our dinner. Panther told us that she's going somewhere. And she want us obey nitzy's order. She said she'll talk to nitzy about that as she's not present here.We nodded. And went to our rooms.

I changed my clothes and saw her packing some stuff.

I layed on the bed.
I saw her removing her bandage and looking at her wound. She did some push-ups and sighed.

Tae: Does it hurt.

Panther: just a little bit.

Tae: Come here.( I grabbed the medical kit and wrapped the new bandage on her wound)

Tae: you should not stress yourself. You can tell me what's going on.

Panther: Nothing just some shit. I'll handle.

I nodded and pat the space for her she hopped on the bad and laid her head on my chest.

Panther: Taehyung What we are?What is our relationship?( She asked softly. She always be like this in front of me)

Tae: We're soulmates. I know we're opposite to each other but we can't refuse the reality. And you know what i love your presence near me. I love your existence. I love you( i caressed her hair i whispered the last part and saw she's asleep i kissed the top of her head)

I thought about my plan and Smirked.
I'll be there for you my yakuza queen.

(After spoiling her plan😂🙂)

To be continued.

I'll try to post daily

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A plot twist is coming soon😏😏

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