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Panther's POV

I slowly opened my eyes i felt pain in my head and my arms. I saw windscreen of my car. I blink my eyes for some time to process what is happening,the thought of fight came in my mind and i know Taehyung was there i felt a hand on my head supporting it. I turned a little and saw Taehyung driving with his one hand and with other hand he's supporting my head. I looked at him he's so focused on road. I stared at his side profile. I held his hand which is on my  head. He looked at me and smiled he parked the car at side of the highway.

Taehyung: hey!
Panther:Hi. Wait what are you doing? Wait shit the device. Fuck Taehyung let's go back there. I can't lose that.( I panicked)

He took out the device and smiled.

I was in shock how did he done that.

Panther: h-how?(i took the device from his palm)

Taehyung: let's go home and then I'll tell you!( He said and started the car i stopped him)

Panther: wait we can't. We can't go there. We're not safe Taehyung. We have to hide. I know they'll follow us that's why i didn't let anyone come with me but you just ruined it. How did you came here and how the Fuck you know the exact location. Even nitzy don't know about this. I have a small cottage in the woods. I was going to go there. We should go there. I'll tell nitzy about you. How can i be so careless.

He laughed a little,i Glared at him.

Panther: you just scared me.

Taehyung:aniooo~ I saved you( he smiled and pecked my lips)

I checked my wound which is covered with bandage nicely. I checked my arm. It is also treated nicely.
Panther: did you treated my wounds.
He nodded

Panther: Thanks. Let's go I'll show you way. ( He smirked and started to drive again)

He held my hand and kissed it.

Panther: Just tell me about everything.

Tae: Soo.


Taehyung's POV

I went to the music room and waited for jungkook. He came in with her car keys. I told him to stole it. We went to her car and opened it. i went in and laid down on the floor of the car. Jungkook locked the car and placed her keys in her bedroom. Few minutes later she came and started to drive. I was afraid she'll caught me but luckily i was under the bags.

The car stopped i peeked and saw her removing her bandage. I heard her saying she want to stay with me. I smiled. She opened the door and i went exactly at same time when she was out. I hide behind the car. She went in the alley and i lost her. After some time i saw her coming out of a building her hand is covered in blood suddenly I saw a man behind her but he already done his work i saw her struggling i went to her i saw another man hit her behind her head and she fall down. They grabbed the device and started to laughing i ran to them and punched one of them straight on his face. His nose bleed i smirked and fight with all of them. They all gave up. I went to panther and grabbed the gun. I shot them one by one.  I don't Know from where i got this guts but wrath  took over me. I can't see my love suffering. I grabbed the device and carried her. She whispered my name and fainted. I placed her in car and drove off. I stopped car far away from that place and treated her wound.

End of the flashback

Panther: why did you do that. What if there were more people.

Taehyung: I don't know. I always feel like protecting you. I don't care about anything. And why did you not care about you. You should think about the one's who love you. Seeing you in that condition made me do that. I'm not guilty killing that guys. ( He sighed and leave my hand)

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