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Panther's Pov
I waked up by feeling something wet on my toes..i slowly opened my eyes and saw my adorable kids trying to wake me face bright up in their presence..they jump up on my bed and licked my face...i saw a small dog near my bed..i stare at him for few moments as he tried to climb..i smiled and grabbed him and sat him on my lap..i stroked his back..
Panther:hey little!umm yeon yeontan right..(he licked my hand)
--Tannie tannie(i heard his voice)
He entered in my room with a smile..i gave him an annoying look..
Taehyung:i think tannie found mommy!
Panther: what?(yeontan looks at me with puppy eyes)

Taehyung: you're late today!rough night huh??

Panther: so you're back to your behaviour:)

Taehyung:yess!!you know you like me in this way. Don't you?
Panther: whatever??(i placed yeontan on my mattress and went to bathroom)

Taehyung: she's driving me crazy!!
Panther:i heard you!!


On the dinning table

I looked at nitzy she's quite since we're here.

Panther: listen gentleman.i want to tell you that I'm gonna give you training.and it's an order and no arguments.nitzy i want you to give them martial arts class..



Nitzy:huh? Oh yeah okay!(she smiled awkwardly)

Jin:but why us? we're not fighters..what about my handsome face?

Panther:as you all know you're living with me a yakuza so something will happen definitely in that case i want you to defend yourself okay.. I don't want you die when I'm not around you!

Jungkook:i can do don't need to teach me!

Panther: okay so after breakfast meet me at our house training area okay..

Rm:okay.. we'll be there(everyone looks at him with a disappointed look)

I think teaching them skills will make my work easy.. if they know how to kill they can use it at anytime..haah..i don't think that nitzy is fine something is off.. she's not clinging on me or anyone..i think i should talk to her..

At training area🤸

I wiped my sweat as i watch them

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I wiped my sweat as i watch them.. they're learning eyes scanned Taehyung's body..i know i don't have feelings for him but his body looks amazing the way his bandana blocking his bangs from coming on his eyes..his wet hairs.i can't resist myself for watching him.. he's perfect.. I don't think myself as his i was admiring him suddenly i found him staring at me i blushed as i got caught.i can see smirk on his face..

I went to them to teach them new trick i asked nitzy to block my way and grabbed me from my throat..i was explaining them i felt her spaced out..

Panther:hey hold it tightly.
Nitzy:yeah okay!
I grabbed her thumbs because thumb is easy to break any hold..i twisted her hand in process as i free myself from her..

Panther:and that's it!! Do it in pair..

Everyone try to do that carefully i saw jimin is alone..

Panther:nitzy go be his partner!
Nitzy:why me??
Panther:why not
Nitzy:i don't want to(she lowered her head)

I know something is fishy so i just nodded..i told my guard to be his partner..

We both sat down at the corner
Panther: what's wrong
Nitzy: nothing!
Panther: c'mon i know you.. I'm your love after it about jimin

Nitzy:NO! Wait how did you know!oh my god.we were not that loud!fuck

Panther:loud??what??i mean did you both you know ( i Smirked)

Nitzy:yes!i slept with him..and i don't know why? You know me right!i may a flirt but i don't allow anyone to touch me.. I don't feel anything for him but whenever i look at him i felt calm..i feel like home whenever i looked in his doe heart skipped a beat..i don't know why.. I'm scared love..i don't want to hurt him or me..i don't want myself get ruined by a man again..

Panther:i understand babe!!but plz don't judge him or push him because of your past..we both have dark past and we know right..i saw care in his eyes for you babe.. you're a fighter but i know there is a soft side in your heart..just talk to him okay?

Nitzy: I don't know where you got that brain of yours.. you always support me.i love you!! (She hugged me)

Panther:aah i missed this!!

Nitzy:you loved it whenever i be clingy huh??

Panther:not again..
End of the pov

After training they all went in  their rooms..


In the kitchen

Rain was making cake with jin..

Nitzy:i really want to eat it now.. I'm really feeling low..

Rain:i know how to light up your mood unnie!!

Jin:rain pass me strawberries??

Rain opened the fridge  and grabbed the strawberries bowl as she was about to turn she felt something warm on her lips..her eyes widened and she saw jungkook's lips on her with same expression like her..The bowl slipped from her hands and shattered in pieces..they backed away..

Panther's POV

I was crossing the kitchen i heard a loud sound i went in the kitchen i saw jungkook kissing blood boiled..they backed away and i saw tear in rain's eyes..i dashed to them and grabbed jungkook's coller and slapped him..i punched him several times..he dodged my some punches..i took out my gun as i was about too shoot...

i took out my gun as i was about too shoot

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