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I looked up at the sky as thoughts filled my mind..How is involved in this.Did i know who's doing all this.I looked at jungkook he's fast asleep.He did well today.But he messed up.What if someone knows that I'm handling this case ugh!!..i groan in pain.I took out my handkerchief and tied it on my wound..I just want to live my life peacefully. I will resign after this mission. I want to spend my time in orphanage. I think i should visit them.. The van stopped in front of my mansion. Everyone got out of the van.
We went inside and i met a worried Taehyung on the door he immediately hugged me. Why this is so hard for me to love. I hate it when i feel weak by his touch. I looked up over his shoulder and my eyes widened.. What the fuck they are doing here!!!and that bitch!!! I broke the hugg and smiled at him.. He hugged jungkook and helped him in walking. everyone hugged him.. James dashed to jungkook and examined him. Nitzy rolled her eyes on his action and i giggled..

James:Oh my god!Panther are you okay?

Panther: yeah I'm..wht are you doing here?

James:i was worried?? and you jungkook how dare you to attempt that stunt.. Because of you i was near to lose my best agent!!

Everyone gasped..I rolled my eyes

Fuck!! i.hate this guy

Panther: Nitzy I'm going to change and you help me treating my arm?

Nitzy: Yeah let's go

We left them there..

End of the POV

Everyone was confused because of james. They helped jungkook and left  him in his room. Jimin entered the kitchen for searching a clean cloth and bowl of water. He stopped when he saw Nitzy there drinking water peacefully. He saw her hand is bleeding. He took out the bandages from the first aid kit. He held her hand When she was about to put the bottle in the fridge..She glared at him.

Nitzy:What the fuck you're doing??

Jimin:.....( He silently started cleaning her blood from her hand)

Nitzy: i don't need your help!!

Jimin: I'm just cleaning your wound.Can you stop moving. It'll hurt..

Nitzy: I said STOP!!

Jimin:. I don't want to..Look I'm not here to handle your tantrums..Now keep quite..

Nitzy:Stay away from me..( she looked away from him and let him treat her wound)

Suddenly jimin hugged her.
Jimin: I'm glad you're fine..I was worried..

Nitzy:yeah. And thanks for this..

Rain's Pov

I went to jungkook's room with medical kit. How dare he to do that. I opened the gate and saw jungkook treating his arm by own. I went to his bed and placed the kit on the bed i sat beside him and started to treat his wound.. I want to scold him, hit him i wanted to tell him that he's important for me.

End of the pov

Jk's pov
She started to treat my wound she removed my bandage which was tied earlier by me.. As she doing her work i stared at her face. A Tear slipped from her eyes while cleaning my wound..

Jk: I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that.

Rain : Are you happy now.  ofcourse you're Happy. Right? Because of you my unnie is injured. Look at yourself , your face is covered with bruise--

Jk: lis---

Rain: shut up..just shut your you know how worried  I was. I thought you are going to be dead. I was scared when you were not here. I know my unie slapped you but that doesn't mean you'll ran away like that. Do you know she's here for you just to protect you from that guys and you, you don't even know--

She was talking too much.. she's looking so cute right now. I stared at her lips which is pink because of crying. She was murmuring things again and again. I smashed my lips on hers.she kissed me back after some seconds..i placed my hand on her cheek to guide her my moves she wrapped her hands around my neck.. I don't want to stop. This feeling is amazing. I push her on the bed without breaking the kiss..I kissed her with so much passion and love..She tried to copy my moves i smiled between the kiss..i backed away and stared at her face.. I wiped her tear away.

Jk: I'm sorry i know I'm not your type but i really like you Rain. I'm sorry i ran away. Plz forgive me. ( I placed my forehead on hers)

I closed my eyes we laid there like that for few seconds

Rain: I like you to jungkook..

My eyes widened i looked at her and she smiled i kissed her again and this time with little lust..i kissed her again and again as my hands roam on her body. My hand stopped on her shirt's button. I looked at her for permission she nodded.. I undressed her and myself..we did it..I kissed her and cummed on her stomach.. she looked tired i cleaned her and covered her body as i laid beside her..I saw my room is messed up but i shrugged it off and wrapped my arms around her..
Jk: i fuckin love you rain!!

End of the pov

Taehyung's POV

Tae: Yahh! Let me go inside

Guard: No.. ma'am is not done yet.

Tae: She'll allow me!

Guard: Really and who are you to her young man..( he scoffed)

Tae: I'm her boyfriend. Now lemme go

Gaurd: Look no one is allowed when ma'am is treating her wound. It's her privacy.( I rolled my eyes but then i saw nitzy coming towards us)

Nitzy: Hey what's happening here..

Gaurd: ma'am Taehyung wants to go in but I can't let him. It's ma'am's order. And you know last time that guy thrown up in front of ma'am. And that was disgusting.

Nitzy: yeah Taehyung he's right!! You can't Handle to see that much of blood.

She was about to go in i held her wrist and spin her to face me. She raised her eyebrows and looked at me..

Nitzy: Hey. I'm not your type okay. Now leave my hand.

Tae: you're definitely not my type.. my type is inside and she's injured now let me go in otherwise you'll know what will happen.( I warned her)

She thinks for a min and nodded.

Nitzy: you can come in but promise me you'll not throw up in front of her okay and you'll not hug her because her arm is injured..( i smiled and leave her hand and went inside)

My heart shattered after seeing her one hand covered with blood as she tried to drink water..she looked at me and placed the glass down.

Panther: Get out!


Panther: i said get out!!!


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