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Cops: what's the matter by the way..(looking into her eyes)
??? Don't you know how to talk with the leader of yakuzas hmm??
[Note:they are like mafias but covered with tattoos..and yakuza is japanese word]

Everyone can see the reaction of cop he immediately looked down..

She smirks..
Her guard hand him the file,the contract which shows the debt and the rules..

Cop read the file and sigh

Cop to everyone:I can't help you..the contract is clr..


Cop to her: I should go now panther..

Panther:yeah go!! Smirks

Panther:so what were you talking mr. intelligent?? They'll kick me out..lemme tell you who I'm... I'm panther,leader of Yakuzas..

EVERYONE is watching her


I don't know whts happening but she looks cool..but I don't like her name Panther😂...she is looking at me wait she is glaring at me..wait m i smiling..aishhh.
Panther:what??am i funny
Jimin:No! looking straight
Panther:lets go thn
Everyone:wait what??where??

Guard: ma'am can i explain

She nodded and she blows the smoke
She's hot aishhh stop it jiminaah
Guard:so according to the contract our company gave the huge loan to your CEO but he didn't payed it back with interest.. according to the dead line there are conditions which is, if  he didn't pay the debt you all have to come with us.. that means our ma'am owns you..

Jin:what do you mean by 'you all'??

Guard: it means you BTS and this pd too

Bang pd:plz give me some time

She threw her cigarette and marched to him
Panther: do you know how busy I'm..
Look i don't want to kill you.. I'm not in the bby boy I'm taking them with me and you're coming too..GUARDS

Rm:but this is illegal

Panther: everything is legal with me..she smirked
End of the pov...

She was just about to go.. suddenly jungkook snatched the gun from the guard and point it on her heart..

She just smiled
She just hold the gun and make him point to her own head

Panther: people says that i don't have heart and i appreciate should shoot me in head.. because everything is right here in my head..(proud smile)

Jungkook tightened his grip and he was about to pull the trigger of the pistol..but in a second she snatched it and removed the magzine..he just stared at her..

Panther hand him magzine

Panther: weapons are just my toys bby boy..smirk

Everyone is in shock..

Panther: according to the contract you all are coming with me..m not here to see your tantrums..
Don't make me angry

She is watching everyone's reaction but she stopped on one TAEHYUNG

(A/n Panther is y/n basically but she cant tell her real name coz she is a damn yakuzaa..and you'll know later😏😁 you can use your nick name on the place of panther)

Im watching everyone's move but my eyes met his dark black orbs..deep enough to make me drown..what are you thinking panther.. he's an idol.. definately not your type and you have to complete this mission..

He is staring at me..i half smiled and he is staring at me blankly..i turned too my cold self and i turned towards the door..
He's definitely not my type

Taehyung's Pov

She is staring at me
I don't know but she don't look heartless..she smiled at me but i didn't  smiled back..wht if she is dangerous...

She glared at me and turned..
Just then guards started to drag us out of the building..

Jungkook's pov

I saw everything.. we've to escape..we can't be her slave.. she is just a fcking gurl..we r idols.. she start counting the guard..he is observing everything....

Just wait and watch I'll show you PANTHER who is the real ANIMAL..!
Thanks for your time..

HER LITTLE SECRET[KTH][MAFIA AU]Where stories live. Discover now