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Taehyung's POV

Nitzy: we're Undercover agents.( She Smirked)

Suga: I knew it. I knew it from the second day.

Rm: how? ( He looked at suga who have a proud look on his face)

Suga: You all are dumb. She kidnapped us and did nothing. Who did this with the victim. She didn't even treat us like a slave. She even gave us all the luxury and you think she's doing all of this for nothing.

J hope: Oh my god so that means we were living with the agents. That's so amazing.

Jin: It is better than living with yakuza.

Panther: I'm a yakuza too. So don't think that I'm not a yakuzaa.

Rm: but nitzy said you all are agents. What the hell is this?( He rubbed his temple in frustration)

James: I don't know what are you all talking about but I've to leave now. Panther explain everything.

He went to her and hugged her before leaving.

She signed and started to explain.

Panther: So before i start i want all of you shut your mouth until i finish. She is Lara my co worker and he is Henry. They both are agents they're going to live with us for your protection. We all are assigned for your protectio-

J hope: I-( he raised his hand.she glared at him and he down his hand)

Panther: There are Alot of agents who are already assigned for all groups who are in danger but as you know I'm yakuza and I'm the best agent as he said they assigned me for you because we got a information that killer's main target is you so they assigned me i mean us. If you want to ask anything i can explain!( She looked at j hope because he want to ask something)

J hope: I was asking can you order hamburger amd sprite I'm hungry.( She rolled her eyes and nodded)

Jin: Why didn't you told us that you're a undercover agent. We were definitely come with you without any complaint.

Panther: Beca-
( She picked her phn and went to the corner to talk. I admired her beauty. She's biting her lip in frustration she hanged the call and came towards us )

Panther: Henry go and get the device from james he said the device will help us in investigation and Lara go and hack this no. Rain help her okay.

Lara: Can i do that later i want to stay here.( She looked at me)

Panther: The work is more important. You didn't work with me yet but i have some rules which  is less talk more work now go.

Lara: Woah chill i was just asking. Where can i hack this.

Rain: Come I'll show you. ( I looked at both of them rain is walking awkwardly i shrugged it off but

Panther: Rain.

Rain: yes unnie( she turned i can see nervousness on her face)

Panther: what happened to your leg. Are you injured.

Rain: Y-y-yeah. I fell from stairs.

Panther: nitzy go and check her.

Rain: no I'm fine i can walk look. ( She looked at jungkook and  dashed out of the room i saw smirk on his face)

Lara and henry left with her

Panther: silly. So i was saying i didn't told you because i can't reveal my Identity. Yakuza trust me they don't know I'm a agent. I work for good. All of people think that yakuza work for bad things like drug dealing, murders and all but not all of us work for that. We did dealing but in limits we don't sell drugs to minor. When i drag Alot of Yakuzas down they elect me as a leader and i make alot of rules to handle bad things. Some of them are happy and agreed my rules because they want to protect their kids but some of them rebelled. They even tried to kill me but majority is on the good side so I'm here safe and sound.

Rm: so you're both.
( She nodded)

J hope: and what about the loan contract.

Panther: ahh that was real. But i can say that they acted well( she looked at bang pd and our manager and smiled)

Jin: So all of this was planned.

Panther: yeah!

Jin: Yaah you know that guy who took me here because of him my beautiful arm has a huge scratch.( She giggled at his statement)

Panther: It's not that big. Look at jungkook's face. He has some bruises. I'm feeling really bad for you jungkook. It would not have happened if I had taken care of everythi-

Jk: Panther I'm fine. And thank you for saving me. We can be a good team i really loved it fighting those bad guys with you. You know what ( he turned to rm) she look so awesome when she shoot it was like bang bang bang and she said silence  Woah just train me more then i can help you and I'll protect my hyungs and rain.

Panther: What!!

Jk: No nothing.

Jimin: look i told you i want to come but you didn't allow us we missed that awesome fight. Taehyung ah don't talk to her.
Panther: What?( I Smirked)

Tae: yeah I'll not talk with you and I'll not cuddle with you.

( All of them looked at us with wide eyes)

Panther: Taehyung shut up.

Jimin: wait you cuddled with her and she didn't slapped you.

Taehyung: yeah we even kis-

She came towards me and put his palm on my mouth.i licked her palm and she wiped her palm and looked at me with disgust look

Suga: can i sleep now. But I've a question.

Panther: go ahead.

Suga: what's your real name.

Panther: i Can't tell you but panther is my professional name.

Suga: nice I'm going now.


Suga: yeah

Panther: Thanks

Suga: For what?

Panther: for believing in me.( She smiled)

Suga: yeah yeah. I observe first then talk

Everyone left for their business.

I saw panther going out of the room i grabbed her wrist and turned her towards me she crashed into my chest i wrapped my free arm on her waist.

Taehyung: So

Panther: yaah! Leave me.

Taehyung: miss lady panther you're going to explain alot of Thing

Panther: what No. Leave me.

Taehyung: okay give me kiss and I'll leave you.

Panther: go and ask a kiss from Lara. ( She rolled her eyes)

Taehyung: someone is jealous.

Panther: no I'm not..

Taehyung: so i can ask a kiss from her. Okay I'll ask her.

( She glared at me and i laughed. I pecked her lips multiple times and removed my hand from her waist.)

Panther: I hate you ( she glared at me and dashed out of the room.

I smiled and went to our room.

I smiled and went to our room

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