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Her tiny hands wrapped around my tiny finger.she smiled at me.I kissed her cheek she giggled.
"she's so soft" i looked at my aunty she smiled at me.
"What do you want us to call her?? suggest a name y/n??"everyone looked at me with curiosity.
"RAIN!!we found her on our door. That day was a rainy day. And her eyes remind me of rain so pure and she smells like rain aunty"she smiled at me..
" Okay.. she's rain and she's my daughter!" I smiled at her.she ruffled my hair softly..she left to do the chores.

"You're my sister now."i kissed the small baby which is peacefully sleeping in my arms.

I opened my eyes and found him sleeping. Our faces our just inches away from each other my eyes are teary because of the dream i saw.I remember every moment which i shared with Rain her smile,her giggle,her first blabber everything. I got distracted because of Taehyung his heavenly features.His fluffy messy hair blocking his eyes His mole on his nose making him cute enough,His soft lips made me remind me our last night event.I blushed because of him.

Wait..did he just.i checked my clothes.. thank god my clothes are still on.I stared at his face I don't want to look away..The way his hands around me making me feel secure..His warmth is enough..

Tae: Am i that handsome??(he opened his eyes and stared back to he..he smiled)

Panther:i was just umm..I want to pee! remove your hands

Tae:Do you know?you look cute when you blush!!

I placed my hands on his chest to make some distance

Panther:Plz let me go!!

Tae:no first give me my morning kiss!


I struggled to make myself free from his grip..he tightened his grip. I stopped and stared at him. He tugged my hair behind my ear.

Panther:why are you doing this to me?

Tae:what am i doing??

Panther:Just Don't do this! Don't show me your love and care plz. I'm begging you!!

Tae:And why you don't want me to love you!You can't stop me panther!

Panther: I thought you hate me!why are you being nice with me all of sudden.

He caressed my cheek and kissed my forehead..

Tae: We talked about you.


Tae: Us!!Me and hyungs

Panther:What did you talked??

Tae: When you slapped me i went to Rm hyung's room.Everyone was there.. Yoongi hyung heard your conversation he said that you're trying to save us from the killer or something . He told us about lisa and rose..So i think you're not a bad guy here Right??

Panther:Ohh really (i scoffed on his explanation)

Tae: what??I really trust you!

Panther: What if he's not right? Will you trust me?

Tae:yeah ofcourse

Panther: let's see then..Now let me go!!

He set me free.I went to my bathroom for my morning routine..

At dining room

I was eating peacefully.. I can feel stares on me..

Panther:I think you all are more interested in me than food.

Taehyung: Yes I Am.

Panther:I didn't ask you!

Panther:Nitzy where's rain and jungkook??

Nitzy: she's in her room and jungkook, I don't where is he??

Panther: are you fucking kidding me?
GUARDS go check Where's is..

Head guard:yes ma'am!!

Panther: Where the fuck are you jungkook!!

End of the POV

Jungkook's Pov

Thank god they took me here in the police station.I told them everything they said i have to wait till Superintendent General (SG)
(korean police rank) will come..

I don't know what's happening there but i have to do this..

I waited till he came..
SG:I heard about you.. You have to come with me..
Jk: Where??
SG:Safe place I'll track her don't worry..come with me now..

We leave for the safe place..

The car stopped in front of the old warehouse..It looks suspicious..i saw guards outside..may be they're just for security..we went inside. Everything is here which is important for a house..

SG took me inside and told me to sat on the sofa.
I sat there until i heard someone laugh!I followed the sound and went to a door.I peek inside and saw Sg and a four man talking..

SG:Your Prey is here sir..
??:you did the great job now i can call the boss..and did you find that bitch..
Sg:No the information he gave me was not enough But I'll find her don't worry..
??: I'll send money to your house..Now it's time to see my prey..

They turned i tried to ran away a suddenly something hit on my head and i turned around and saw a old man and then everything went black..

End of the pov..

Panther's POV

Panther: what do you mean he's not in the mansion..(i yelled)

Guard: ma'am we checked everywhere he's not here..

Panther:How can you all be that careless..

Guard: I'm sorry ma'am but we'll find him..


Guard: we're trying to loc--

Panther: SHUT UP!!get the fuck out..

The guard bows and left..

Panther:Nitzy..Track his location.

Nitzy: I'm trying bu--

Panther: but what..

Rain:I can..

She looked at me with eyes softened because of her..

Panther:You sure you can do this..

Rain: I placed the tracker on their phone..and his phone is not i can track her uniie..

Panther:okay do it fast. I trust you!

I was about to go but rain held my wrist.

Rain: I'm sorry uniee.

I turned around suddenly she hugged me..

Rain: I'm not a good sister but you're the best unnie.plz forgive me uniie(she sobbed)

Panther:Yaah! Don't cry look ugly!! now track the location okay..

Rain:okay uniee..

We all went to investigation room..


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