Chapter 23: Christmas Day

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I awoke with a yawn and decided to stretch.

As I look over at the alarm clock on the nightstand I realize that it's Christmas Day.

Oh I hope I'm not the last one to wake up. That would be so embarrassing.

I already don't fit in as it is, I really don't need to make this worse for myself.

As I start to make my way to the door, I hear a soft knock coming from my door that leads to Maxon's room.

Just as I was about to open the door, he asks if he can come in.

Of course I open the door and step aside so he can come into my room.

"Merry Christmas my love," Maxon whispers to me as he pulls me into a hug.

"Merry Christmas, Maxon," I whisper back.

Pulling away he says, "mother always has us all wear matching Christmas pajamas and I came to bring you a pair. I wanted you to be a part of our tradition."

"Aww that's so sweet Maxon. You know you didn't have to do that for me," I say.

"It's a family tradition and you're family, so why shouldn't you be included," he says in all seriousness.

"It's just that, I'm dating you, but I'm technically not part of your family."

"You have always been family to me, ever since we started dating. My mom already thinks of you as her daughter too. I also had to ask her to get the pajamas for me, if that helps anything. She knew about this and was happy to get them for me," he says smiling.

"Well if you want me to wear them, then I'll go change into them right now," I say sporting a huge smile.

He nods his head and I step into the closet to change.

He nods his head and I step into the closet to change

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I didn't even need help from my assigned maids.

When I walked out of the closet I put on my slippers and headed downstairs with Maxon.

We ate in a small dining room instead of a ballroom, unlike yesterday. 

There was an array of food on the table that looked absolutely delicious.

There was fruit, French toast, pancakes, waffles, tarts, eggs, toast, bacon, sausage, and many other foods.

"Merry Christmas Maxon," Queen Amberley says while hugging him.

His father just murmured "Merry Christmas" to both of us, and took a seat at the table.

After Amberly hugged Maxon, she came up to me.

"Merry Christmas America! I'm so glad you decided to join us in our family tradition of wearing matching Christmas pajamas," she says.

Even though most of the Schreave's personal lives are on display for the world, I did not know about their Christmas morning tradition until Maxon handed me a pair of pajamas.

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