Chapter 8: Pool Party Part 2

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Maxon was just dared to go kiss who he finds the prettiest girl in the pool.

After he was dared he asked us to all close our eyes. I'm really nervous for this.

When he kisses someone else I'm gonna be really sad because I actually like him, I just don't think he likes me too.

As Maxon kisses me my body goes into a shock like state. It took me way longer than it should have for me to kiss back.

"Maxon? You have a crush on me?"

Why is everyone slowly backing away now that I'm talking to Maxon? Knowing them they probably planned this out.

"Yeah, I'm sorry it's okay if you don't like me."

"What? No! Maxon I've had a crush on you too!"

I'm so happy that this is happening now. I'm also super surprised that he's kissing me again.

"Alright you two, some of us want to continue the game. You two can finish talking after the game."

Ok well I guess Nicoletta has a good point. We can always talk later.

"Okay so since I just did my dare I choose Josie, truth or dare Josie?"

Since Maxon just chose Josie I hope she picks dare. I know he can come up with a good dare for her.

"I choose dare."

Yes! She chose dare. Come on Maxon, make this dare count.

"I dare you to go an entire week without listening to your boyfriend Matthew's voice at night."

Woah that was a really good dare. I have a feeling Josie is not going to be pleased with this dare.


Yep Josie is sooo mad. And Matthew now knows that she listens to a recording of his voice to fall
asleep every night.

I think she forgot he was even here.

"What? Wait, Josie, you listen to a recording of my voice every night to fall asleep?"

Haha now Matthew is mad at her. She's going to be soo mad at Maxon.

"Uh haha yeah."

"When did you even get a recording of my voice?"

"Umm I just kind of secretly recorded it during one of our dates. I'm so sorry it's just that your voice calms me. Please don't be mad at me!"

Matthew is probably about to lash out on Josie. Maybe this wasn't the perfect dare.

"Aww that's so sweet. I'm so glad you feel that comfortable with me."

"What? You're not mad at me?"

"Of course not."

Ok well I'm done hearing this.

"Ok guys I'm done with this game. Why don't we just enjoy each other's company."

Now that I've said that, hopefully I can talk to Maxon some more. I didn't know he liked me too.

"Hey Maxon."

"Hey America, do you want to go talk over there?"

"Yeah sure."

I cant believe this is happening. And to think I didn't even really want to come in the first place.

This is one of the best nights of my life.

"This has been a really fun party."

"I'm glad you're enjoying it, soo do you actually like me?"

"Yes!" Did he think I was pranking him or something? I would never do that.

"I just needed to make sure because this is amazing."

Haha. I would like to end up dating Maxon but I don't want to turn into an overprotective girlfriend like Kenlee.

"Yeah it's pretty crazy that we felt the same way but we didn't know it."

"Um America, would you like me to walk you to your room tonight."

"That would be great." Now I cant quit smiling. Maxon is so sweet.
I'm glad our plan to get Maxon and America together worked. They seem like they'll be happy together.

Also, while when I first heard my dare I wanted to kill Maxon, I'm glad Matthew isn't mad about it.

This is going to be a very long restless week without hearing Matthew's voice to lull me to sleep.

Maybe I can convince him to stay in my room until I fall asleep some nights so I can at least get a little bit of sleep this week.

"Hey Josie. You didn't actually have to do that dare. I just wanted to see your reaction. Which by the way, was priceless."

Wow, he really just did that. Haha.

"Wow thanks for that Maxon. Anyways at least I'll be able to sleep at night now."

"I'm gonna go take America to her room now, but you guys can stay as long as you want."

Ooh he's gonna be with America. I'm glad they're working out together.

"Oh I should probably get going too."

What he doesn't know is that I only need to get going so I can listen to my recordings of Matthew.

I'm glad Matthew doesn't find it creepy. I guess I'll just head to my room now.

"Goodnight everyone! I'm gonna go to my room now."

Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed! What should happen in the next chapter? If you have any ideas please leave it in the comments.

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