Chapter 6: Partners

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                    The next day
I had such a great time at Maxon's yesterday! We basically just hung out and talked until Nicoletta came to bring me to her room.

I'm still in Nicoletta's room, and we had a great time. We watched several movies and just talked about anything and everything.

I have the best friends, they are always there for me when I need them most.

Also, we have school today and tomorrow and then we're off for the weekend.

Since when we started, we started on a Wednesday so it would be a short first "week".

That also means that the pool party is tomorrow.

I'm really excited for it! Maxon is hosting it, so hopefully I can hang out with him more.

"Hey America, are you about ready."

"Yep, just let me grab my bag and we can go."
I had a great time with America yesterday.

I hope she ends up coming to my party so we can hang out more.

Now I just have to get through this school day, and then maybe I can invite everyone over tonight.

I'll have to see how much homework we have first though.

"Alright class, today I will be assigning you partners for our history project. You will have the same partner all year, so you should probably get to know them. Today I will give out the assignment, but I also want you to get to know your partner. Your projects will be due next Friday. That should be more than enough time. Here are our partners, let's see here, we've got Kriss and Aspen, Marlee and Markson, Maxon and America, Nicoletta and Jeremiah..."

I was shocked to hear my name next to America's. Maybe this will give us a chance to get closer.

I hope she likes that we're partners.

"Now you may find a seat by your partner."

"America! You can come sit here by me."

Yes! She's coming over here. I mean she does kind of have to be my partner, but it still feels good that she doesn't seem repulsed at the idea of me being her partner.

This is going to be a great year.
I think it's pretty obvious that Maxon and America like each other, I've just got to find a way to make them see that.

Maybe I could come up with something at the pool party. Ugh! Just thinking about the pool party makes my stomach churn.

I really wish Maxon hadn't invited Avery. He knows there's a lot of drama between us, he's probably just doing it so America will come though.

I wish Finn was in my class so I wouldn't have to worry about Avery as much.

I don't think Finn would ever cheat on me, but Avery is pretty manipulative.

Whatever, I need to quit worrying about them and focus on my project.

I'm actually excited since I was paired with Josie. I'm not that great of friends with her, but I've known her since high school.

I hope we can work together and figure this out. I know I couldn't do this project alone.
Kenlee seems kind of distracted today.

I bet she's thinking about Avery being in Finn's class. I don't want to ask her about it though because she might get mad at me for invading her personal problems.

Kenlee does seem nice though. I have known her for several years so hopefully it won't be too awkward working together.

I think we need to have a group get together tonight.

Maybe I could even invite Matthew. I haven't seen him in like a whole day.

I don't know how much longer I can make it. I also need to get a new recording of his voice because the one I'm currently using isn't long enough. I'll have to secretly record him tonight.

Sorry for such a short chapter. If you have any ideas for upcoming chapters please let me know in the comments.

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