Chapter 9: Titles

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Maxon just walked me to my room and we talked the whole way here.

He's so nice and I'd like to talk to him some more.

"Why don't you come inside for a little while and we can hang out some more."

"That sounds great America!"

I'm glad he agreed to talk a little longer.

"Are you excited to go here?"

"Yeah I guess I am, everyone here seems really nice. The classes aren't too bad either."

I hope that wasn't a dumb answer haha. Where's Josie when you need her, she would have known just what to say.

"Well I'm glad you're liking it here."

"Yeah, your party was super fun. Are you gonna have another one soon?"

Wait did I just invite myself to one of his parties?

"Um yeah I might, there is a school dance coming up soon. I might have one after that. Would you want to come if I have one?"

Well I sure wasn't expecting that.

"I would love to come."
I just invited her to a party but I can't ask her what I really want to ask her?

I need to ask her if she wants to be my girlfriend. Well at least she said yes to coming to my party.

"Soo America I know we haven't known each other very long, but would you like to be my girlfriend?"

Oh no, she doesn't look particularly happy by that question.


Wait did she just say yes?!

"I would love to be your girlfriend Maxon."

I can't believe she actually said yes. I mean we've only known each other for a few weeks.

After I asked her to become my girlfriend we talked a little longer and then I went to my room for the night.

I can't wait until tomorrow.

We agreed to tell everyone that we're together at breakfast in the morning.

I hope everyone takes it well. I know that girl Kriss really likes me, but I'm dating America so hopefully she'll stop bothering me.
I was at work last night working when these girls called me asking about a decor person??

I hope they realized they were calling Walmart. I mean I did tell them that's who they called, but maybe they weren't paying much attention.

Anyways I don't exactly remember what they were wanting. Later though I got a call from one of the girls in the group and she apologized and told me it was a dare to call Walmart.

We then started talking and it turns out that we go to the same college.

She even invited me to hang out with her friend group today. Hopefully they all like me.

I just got to breakfast and the girl, Nicoletta, pulled me over to their table.

As soon as I sat down a girl I was told was named America and a guy named Maxon got everyone's attention.

They were sitting beside each other and holding hands on top of the table. I'm sure they're dating, I wonder what they're announcing.

"America and I just wanted to let you guys know that we're officially dating now," said Maxon.

They seem so happy together. They kind of remind me of Ben and Beverly from my favorite book "It".

Everyone seems really excited about the news and I'm sitting here saying congrats but I don't even know them.

Well this is awkward.

Sorry you had to wait so long for this chapter. I'll try to get another one up soon.

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