Chapter 5: Misunderstandings

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I can't believe Avery did that. I mean I did just break her nose but she deserved it!!

I wanted to be friends with her, but no, this had to happen and ruin everything.

I really need to talk to Finn about this. I really hope he isn't mad at me.

Avery literally told me that she was going to steal Finn. How dare she!!

Now I'm sitting in the dean's office for getting into a fight. Let me just tell you, it was totally worth it.

Now Avery has to walk around school with her nose bandaged. Haha. People should remember me now, and know that I am a force to be reckoned with.

And I thought I would be the one to throw the first punch, but no it was Avery!

She was coming after me!

What did I ever do to her. She should know that it won't be that easy to get rid of me.

I honestly don't even know where these thoughts are coming from. I'm kind of scaring myself. Usually I would be pretty chill around the other girls since Finn doesn't pay them much attention anyways.
After the fight between Kenlee and Avery everyone has been on edge.

We don't know what's going to happen between them, and I heard that the fight was over me.

Also what I didn't know was that Avery started the fight.

That means that Kenlee was just standing up for our relationship. That was so sweet of her. I'm glad she's not putting up with Avery's crap.

Avery knows I'm dating Kenlee, yet she's still trying to come after me.

I need to talk to Kenlee and tell her I'm not mad at her. I think she thinks I'm mad since she was being a little overprotective, but in this situation I'm glad she's like that.

I need her to know that I would never dump her for Avery.
I had to spend several hours in the deans office getting yelled at, but now I'm back in my dorm room.

America is in here with me and I've been telling her what happened.

She thinks I shouldn't have gone after Kenlee. I don't really regret it though, other than that I now have a broken nose.

After leaving the dean's office I was sent to the infirmary.

My nose now looks super embarrassing since it is wrapped in white tape and gauze.

I'm also super mad at Kenlee now. I know she's already dating Finn, but she best believe that I'm not giving up on him.

He's too good looking of a guy to be with her.

Soon enough Finn will be mine and Kenlee with just be an afterthought.
I hate that Kenlee and Avery got in a fight.

I also can't believe Avery! She knew Finn was dating Kenlee, yet she still tried to flirt with him.

She told me she even tried to hold his hand in class.

Also, since I'm friends with both of them they keep trying to get me to pick a side.

I really don't want to. I think I'll just text the group and ask if I can hang out in anyone else's room.

(To the group)
Me: hey guys are you all busy?
Nicoletta: yeah, sorry America, I'm at the mall with Steven
Maxon: no I don't have anything going on
Celeste: I'm working on math homework
Carter: Marlee's over here with me
Josie: hey what's up America! I'm at the gym right now. Did you need something?
Me: I was just needing somewhere else to go while Avery and Kenlee are fighting
Nicoletta: sorry America I can't right now but you could stay the night at my place if you can find somewhere else to go until then
Maxon: you could come hang out in my room
Me: thanks Nicoletta and I'll be over in 10 if that's ok with you Maxon
Maxon: works for me
Nicoletta: Alright, see you later America
(End of group discussion)
America is coming over now so I need to make sure my dorm is completely clean.

America is really pretty and this should give me a chance to get to know her better. I really hope our visit isn't interrupted by unwanted company.

*knock knock knock* Oh that must be America.

"Hey America."

"Hey Maxon, sorry to bother you. I just needed out of there."

"Haha, I don't blame you."

*knock knock knock*

Ugh! Who is that?

"Hey guys! I just read my texts and saw that America was over and I wanted to tell her about my conversation with Finn!"

I could care less about her relationship with Finn. Doesn't she realize that America is here because she wanted away from that drama.

"Kenlee, America came here so she wouldn't have to hear about your fight, so I don't think she cares about your conversation with Finn."

"Well I guess I'll go but I just wanted you guys to know that I'm on good terms with Finn and our relationship is as strong as ever!"

"Good for you. Bye!"

Huh I just slammed that door in her face and I don't even feel bad about it.

"So, America what do you want to do?"

"I don't really mind. It's cool that you wanted to hang out with me though," she says.

"Anytime. Why don't we try to get to know each other a little better. How about we play twenty questions," I suggest.

"That sounds fun. You can go first."

I really don't want to mess this up so I guess I'll start with some really simple questions.

"Why did you want to come to this school," I ask.

"The environment just seemed so inviting and it has some of the best academic achievements in the country. I had always dreamed of coming here, the campus is so beautiful, and I've come to find that there are some amazing people here too," she said smiling.

"I'm glad you got to come here. If you even need anything, you know where you find me," I say as I gesture around my room.

She smiles again and asks her question for me.

"What do you wish to do for your future career? Realistic or not."

That's a question I don't have to think much about, even though my answer isn't very realistic.

"I wish I could be a photographer. There's just something about capturing a moment and it's so special to me."

She smiles at me and we continue playing our game for the next few hours.

We definitely ended up asking more than twenty questions. I'm just sad that she never asked about my relationship status.

I guess that can come later once we get to know each other a little more.

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