Chapter 11: The Truth

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It's been three days since my last date with Maxon.

I'm supposed to meet his family tonight, but I'm really nervous.

Maxon told me to just put on a simple sun dress or something for tonight.

I hope his parents don't think I'm underdressed. I don't know anything about his parents, I don't even know their names.

I'll have to ask Maxon about them on our way there.

I ended up deciding on a green sun dress that had flowers on it.

Hopefully Maxon thinks it's appropriate for dinner tonight.

I don't know what his parents are expecting me to look like. Hopefully their standards aren't too high.

 Hopefully their standards aren't too high

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*knock knock*

"Are you about ready to leave America?"

"Yeah you can come in just give me a few more minutes."

"Okay, also make sure to pack a suitcase because we're spending the night there."

Wait. Maxon never mentioned staying the night at his parents house. That will be so awkward.

I've never even met them and I'm going to spend the night in their house?

I guess I'll just have to go and hope for the best.
I kind of feel bad for not telling America the truth about my identity when we first met.

I also just now told her that we'll be spending the night at my parents.

I'm honestly pretty surprised she didn't recognize me for what I actually am.

When I realized she didn't know I told all of my friends not to tell her. I wanted to be the one to tell her, and now she's finally about to know the truth.

"Maxon where does your family live?"

Oh no here we go. I hope she doesn't change her mind about going once she realizes how far it is.

"They live in Angeles," I said casually.

"What?! Maxon that's hours and hours away from here. No wonder you said we were spending the night."

"Yeah it is a pretty long ride, but I think you'll enjoy it."

"What do you mean by that?"

"You'll see."

I know America hates surprises, so this is fun, but I also feel kind of bad about it.

I hate lying to her about who I really am, so I'm glad to finally get this off of my chest.

"Ugh, Maxon you know how much I hate surprises."

"I know and that's part of the reason why I'm not telling you. Now you can get excited to go instead of dreading it."


We are almost to the airport, but America doesn't seem to realize that yet.

"Ah here we are."

"Maxon, why are we at the airport?"

"Well how else did you think we were going to get to my home?"

"Um I don't know. Probably by car. I don't even have a plane ticket or the money with me to buy one."

"Don't worry we're flying in a private plane and you don't have to pay for anything."

"No, Maxon this is too much."

"No America, trust me, this is nothing."

I can tell she's kind of suspicious to how this is nothing. She'll find out sooner than later though.

We're at the palace gates, but America is asleep so she doesn't know where we are.

"America, please wake up," I said while gently nudging her.

"What? Where are we," she said sleepily.

"Well we're at my house of course."

"Oh no no no no no no. Wait you do not live in the royal palace, do you? Is this some kind of trick?"

"I assure you this is my home."

She looks so confused. I might as well tell her now.

"America, I'm sorry that I never told you who I really was. I was thrilled when you didn't recognize me and still wanted to hang out with me. Most people just want to because of my title. I told our friends to not tell you who I was so I could eventually tell you. Well here I am telling you that I am the crown prince of Illéa, Maxon Schreave."

"What? You're the prince? Does that mean I have to start calling you Prince Maxon or your highness or something?"

"Oh, no, you can keep calling me Maxon. I'm actually going to Carolina Prep so everyone won't recognize me so I can live at least part of my life like a normal teenager."

"I love that Maxon. I'm sorry you feel that school is the only time you can be treated normal. I'll always do my very best to make you feel included in "normal" stuff," she said giggling.

I'm so glad she's not mad at me for hiding my identity. I just hope my parents make her feel welcome and don't run her off.

She will be the first girl I will have brought here. I can only hope that this goes well.

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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How will the King and Queen react to America? Will America like staying in the palace? Let me know what you think in the comments.

Also please go check out my other story Maxerica With A Twist, it's about Maxon and America's lives after they got married.

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