Chapter 14: May I have this dance?

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It is the day of the dance and I am so excited. I can't believe I will get to spend all night dancing with Maxon. The last time we danced together was on one of our dates in the rain. I'm not the best at dancing, but doing anything with Maxon is fun.

I'm getting ready with the girls from our group and everyone is going. We even managed to convince Josie to attend. She said the only reason she was coming was so she could show off her boyfriend Matthew. She's way too obsessed with him.

Recently we added a new member to our group too. The girl that answered the prank call from our pool party is now one of us. After apologizing to her we invited her to sit with us at lunch and she just became part of the group over time. Now she does everything with us. Her name is Tess. Tess is hilarious and just overall fun to be around, I'm so glad she's part of our group now.

Everyone decided to come get ready in my room so now it's a disaster. Marlee is currently trying to spray Josie face with glitter and it's hilarious.
"Marlee! Get that glitter away from me right now!"

Marlee says my boyfriend will think it's cute that I am covered in glitter, I however do not. Glitter just gets everywhere and you can't get rid of it. Marlee is actually like it's a drug and she's addicted to it. (Did you catch my reference there?😏)

I already have glitter all over me and it's covering America's room. She's probably going to hate me for dodging the spray so it hits her walls.

"Ok fine if you really don't want to wear any," Marlee says.

Now that I've stopped running she is spraying my entire dress!

"Marlee! Stop! You know how much I hate glitter, now I'm going to have to find another dress to wear."

I guess I'll just ask America if she has an extra dress since this one is ruined.

"Hey America, do you by any chance have an extra dress I could wear?"

I really hope she does. I am not going in this glitter coated dress.

"Let's go see," America says taking my hand and pulling me into her closet.

"Here's this one," she says holding up a pretty simple silver dress.

Not gonna lie, it's actually kinda cute.

"Thank you so much America, you're a life saver!" I then hugged her and put on the dress. Nothing could ruin this evening.

AmericaAfter finishing getting ready we all got in a limo with our dates and drove to the venue

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After finishing getting ready we all got in a limo with our dates and drove to the venue.

"Wow, this place is beautiful."

There are lots of fairy lights and flowers everywhere. It truly looks romantic.

"May I have this dance," Maxon comes up to me and asks.

"Why of course my prince."

I lay my head on his shoulder as we sway to the music.

"You look beautiful tonight America. I don't know why you decided to stay with me after I chose to not share my identity with you, but I am truly grateful. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me America. I love you so much."

Ahhhh I'm squealing on the inside. Did Maxon just say he loves me? Ahhhh I'm so happy right now.

"I love you too Maxon," I say right before he leans down to kiss me."

This has been the best night of my life. I can't wait to tell Avery about it tomorrow and hear how her night went.

Thanks for reading please remember to vote and comment!!

So as I was saying, should I start a one shot book with a bunch of different books/ series? Would you all enjoy reading that? Let me know in the comments.

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