Chapter 13: Will He Ask?

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Shortly after dinner we all left the palace. We need to get back so Avery can spend more time with Harry. Hopefully he will ask her to the dance. Avery would be so happy.

"Did you have a good time America," Maxon asked me.

"After I got past the fact that you and your family are royalty, I actually did have a good time. Your mother was so nice to me. She treated me like her own daughter."

"You know, my mother has always wanted a daughter. She can't wait until I get married so she can finally have one. I think she would be happy with you becoming her daughter one day."

Did Maxon just imply that he would like to eventually marry me? I love Maxon, but I'm not ready for that yet. However, I wouldn't mind that happening in the future. I would love to be Queen Amberley's daughter. And Maxon's wife, of course.

We are just now landing back at school, and sadly that means I won't be able to be with Maxon any longer. It's kind of late here so we should be off to bed.

"Goodnight Maxon."

"Goodnight America, I'll see you in the morning."

I wish Maxon could walk me to my room, but there's no need since I'm roommates with Avery.
It's been a few days since we got back from the palace and Harry still hasn't asked Avery to the dance. They have a date tonight though, so I hope he asks then.

I'm supposed to help Avery get ready for tonight since she always helps me get ready for my dates with Maxon.

For her date they are going to have a cute little picnic like I had when Maxon asked me to the dance.

Now I just have to do her hair, makeup, and pick out her outfit.

I'm just going to do a soft glam makeup look for her and make her hair a little wavy.

I also chose a pink strawberry dress for her to wear

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I also chose a pink strawberry dress for her to wear. I think it's a cute picnic date look.

"Looks like you're all ready Avery

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"Looks like you're all ready Avery. Tell me how it went when you get back. I'm going to go to Maxon's room now."

"Thanks for everything America. This look is amazing. I couldn't have done this on my own. What would I do without a friend like you?"

Avery does look amazing tonight, but come on, she always looks amazing.

If Harry knows what's good for him, he'll ask Avery to the dance tonight.

"Bye Avery! Have a great time!"

Then I left to begin my treck to Maxon's room.

*knock knock knock* "Hello?"

"Hey Maxon! I did tell you I was coming over, right?"

"I'm sure you did, but I must have forgotten. If I had remembered I would have made sure Carter didn't have Marlee over. We can go somewhere else though."

"Oh hey Marlee. Yeah that sounds nice. Maybe we could take a walk around campus. The weather seems to be good tonight."

"Sounds good to me. Bye Carter, Marlee."

As we walk down the hall Maxon takes my hand and we turn to go outside.

"So I know this might seem overwhelming since you just found out I'm a prince, but my family always goes on a ski trip around this time of year. My parents always let me invite three people and it's a blast. I guess I just wanted to ask you if you would be interested in coming with me, Maxon said."

I would love to go with Maxon. I can't believe he would actually want to invite me. He's only allowed to invite three people.

"I would love to!"

He hardly gave me enough time to finish answering him before he leaned down to kiss me.

This trip should be fun.

After our walk around campus I went back to my room to see Avery taking off her makeup. She doesn't look sad so I'm guessing her date went well.

"Hey Avery, how did your date go?"

"Oh, America, I didn't even notice that you came in. But ahhhh tonight was AMAZING!!"

"Did he ask you?"

"Well, no, but it was still amazing."

That's so sad, but she doesn't even seem sad about it.

"I'm just kidding, of course he asked me."

Ahhh I'm so excited for her. Harry seems like a great guy. I'm glad she's with him.

"Tell! Me! Everything!"

"Okay okay so, we had our cute little picnic and then I hadn't even noticed that the nearest tree had a posted on it. Ahhh the poster was probably the best part. It said: "I Adore You But I Hope I'm Not Crossing A Fine Line When I Say I Want You To Be Falling For Me. Dance?" Ahhhh it was soo sweet. I just love Harry so much. Then when I said yes he kissed me and everything was just perfect!"

"Aww that's so sweet Avery. I'm so glad he finally decided to ask you. You totally deserve to be with him."

"Thanks America. It's getting late and since we have classes in the morning we should probably get to bed."

"Yeah I almost forgot about that haha."

I can't wait for the dance. Everything is finally falling into place for both me and Avery.

I'm so sorry that this is so late. This time of year is really busy for me so I will try to post once every 2 weeks and then if I can earlier than that I will.

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